In an unusual twist, a radio personality is leaving satellite radio for terrestrial radio. A year after she joined Sirius Satellite Radio, Leslie “the RadioChick” Gold is returning to traditional radio as host of afternoon drive on WXRK-FM in New York beginning Jan. 3, 2006 when the Infinity Broadcasting station seques to Talk as Free FM, the company announced Monday.
Gold, who was part of the Talk lineup at WNEW-FM before Infinity scuttled the format in 2002, is the first on-air addition WXRK has made outside of David Lee Roth in mornings and Penn Jillette in mid-mornings. Prior to Sirius, Gold hosted mornings on WAXQ-FM, Clear Channel’s Classic Rock station in New York where she delivered the highest morning show ratings in the station’s history.
Leslie is one of the most daring and innovative hosts on radio today," said Tom Chiusano, vp and general manager of WXRK. "And she has the distinctive ability to bond with her listeners as if she were their best female friend. In an industry so often dominated by male hosts, we are thrilled to welcome someone of Leslie's caliber to the station with her unique sense of humor and style."
Gold will be joined on her program by show producer Butchy Brennan and sidekick comedian Chuck Nice. Infinity will also stream her show online.
In addition to WXRK, Gold’s show is likely to be cleared on other Infinity Free FM stations, a spokesperson said
Gold, who was part of the Talk lineup at WNEW-FM before Infinity scuttled the format in 2002, is the first on-air addition WXRK has made outside of David Lee Roth in mornings and Penn Jillette in mid-mornings. Prior to Sirius, Gold hosted mornings on WAXQ-FM, Clear Channel’s Classic Rock station in New York where she delivered the highest morning show ratings in the station’s history.
Leslie is one of the most daring and innovative hosts on radio today," said Tom Chiusano, vp and general manager of WXRK. "And she has the distinctive ability to bond with her listeners as if she were their best female friend. In an industry so often dominated by male hosts, we are thrilled to welcome someone of Leslie's caliber to the station with her unique sense of humor and style."
Gold will be joined on her program by show producer Butchy Brennan and sidekick comedian Chuck Nice. Infinity will also stream her show online.
In addition to WXRK, Gold’s show is likely to be cleared on other Infinity Free FM stations, a spokesperson said