

SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
May 7, 2004
...I realize the 522 has to be connected to a phone line or else under the DHA promo, you will be charged an extra $5 per month. Does this also holds true for the 322?? Thanks
I think Charlie is just trying to dry out our pockets. Am not bashing DN, even though a blind monkey can make a more stable reciever then most of their engineers. I love my service and equipments. Back to the point, they charge $4.99 for not having your 322/522 hooked to a phone line, $4.99 for every extra reciever you have, $4.98 for DVR fees, and $5.00 for leasing their buggy equipment. What next? An extra charge for pushing the buttons on your remote?
Thanks Berg! Is that only true for the dual tuners or for the 311's as well? Thanks again!
The duals must have the phone line plugged in or you get the 4.99 charge

any extra receiver will get the 4.99 regardless of hooked to phone line or not :)

Just some questions about the Hd 811

EchoStar's Spending Not Rubbing Off on Subscribers

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