I made myself a poor man's superdish with three lnbs. I pretty love to play with things. I used a 75 cm starchoice dish.
I used two dss lnbs and I am able to receive 110 and 119 on my receiver.
For the 121 I tried using three different kinds of lnb. One invacom, one fortec and one besat.
If I connnect any one of those three lnbs on my pansat receiver, I'm able to receive all transceivers on 121 (of course not the channels because they are encrypted but the signal is there 60 -65 % quality).
However if I connect all three lnbs on a sw41 switch and do a check switch, it finds the 110, 119 and with the invacom it doesn't find anything and for the besat only the even channels.
Am I doing something wrong. What kind of lnb do I need.
Best regards
I made myself a poor man's superdish with three lnbs. I pretty love to play with things. I used a 75 cm starchoice dish.
I used two dss lnbs and I am able to receive 110 and 119 on my receiver.
For the 121 I tried using three different kinds of lnb. One invacom, one fortec and one besat.
If I connnect any one of those three lnbs on my pansat receiver, I'm able to receive all transceivers on 121 (of course not the channels because they are encrypted but the signal is there 60 -65 % quality).
However if I connect all three lnbs on a sw41 switch and do a check switch, it finds the 110, 119 and with the invacom it doesn't find anything and for the besat only the even channels.
Am I doing something wrong. What kind of lnb do I need.
Best regards