Question about 31" for FTA vs 4DTV BUD

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Dec 15, 2005
Hi all:

I am thinking about getting a dedicated dish for my FTA which is currently is a bit of a pain, hooked up to my existing 4DTV BUD (switching polarity , moving the dish, and splitting the signal...a real mess of clutter etc) as recommended by Iceberg

I would use the an SG2100 motor plus Invacom QPH-031+31" Winegard to go with my New Viewsat Extreme...Can I expect PQ near the BUD's on FTA with that setup? I want convenience but not at the expense of PQ!!!

Help and advice would be appreciated. I Live in Reno NV (at the edge of the footprint) and have seen the above for well under $200 as a pkg...would only need a decent location and a run of RG-6 or RG-11 cable Sure would be easier but what should I expect! God I hate the thought of going up on my roof with a big pitch in it, but there are lots of trees in the way down low! The Bud Has the best seat on the ground with its 6 ft pole! perfect position between the trees! 87 deg to 137 problems...Can "look" at even more from the roof location for the 31 incher.

I can set the little guy up pretty well as I have done the BUD for years. I use a little $10 signal meter (Handy on KU!) sometimes, but usually just my 4dtv meter and compass!! Think I am getting a Birdog for xmas ...overkill but a nice gift!!

My GF knows about my satellite passion...besides She loves the BUD picture and sound for movies on the 43" Plasma HD set, and is curious about programs on the FTA set! BTW: she saw me looking at info on the Birdog (curiosity) and began asking me what it would do. I can get very close myself, but with that be a real solid tweak!!

Might even go start a small business with it, since it would cut down on new install times! (Have lots of curious friends that have come over to look at the FTA...all current Pizza Pan dish and cable customers!) They always laughed at my BUD until they saw the PQ on the HDTV!!! No more laughing! (I also have a large yard!)

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I would highly recommend a small fta dish for ku. I have a 30" fortec and it gets AMC better than the ole BUD does. But, I think it's mainly because I have a pine tree that blocks about 2/5ths of my BUD dish. I can't honestly say either one is better than the other (except on AMC9), for what I watch. But, it's my belief, bigger is better. I have the BUD set up for midday towards the west. It's an old fiberglass dish and AMC9 is the furtherest east sat I can get with it, any further, or a strong gust of wind and it topples over, which is an extreme pain to straighten out, not to mention reprogramming the sats back in the 4dtv. The 30" ku is set on my clothes line pole and a tree is in the way west of G10. I plan to move it to a better position so I can use the complete arc. I use the Bud for ku fta west of G10, not really much there. And I can't get any C fta east of AMC9. I've got permission to get a neighbors, no longer in use, Bud to place where I can get the rest of the arc for C fta (as well as analog). I'll plant it from midday toward the east. It's a mesh, so maybe the topple facter won't be as bad. But, enough ranting, getting back on topic, yes, indeed get a ku mini dish. The 31 inch should be fine, but I would get as big as my pocketbook could stand.

Thank you VoomVoom

voomvoom said:
I would highly recommend a small fta dish for ku. I have a 30" fortec and it gets AMC better than the ole BUD does. But, I think it's mainly because I have a pine tree that blocks about 2/5ths of my BUD dish. I can't honestly say either one is better than the other (except on AMC9), for what I watch. But, it's my belief, bigger is better. I have the BUD set up for midday towards the west. It's an old fiberglass dish and AMC9 is the furtherest east sat I can get with it, any further, or a strong gust of wind and it topples over, which is an extreme pain to straighten out, not to mention reprogramming the sats back in the 4dtv. The 30" ku is set on my clothes line pole and a tree is in the way west of G10. I plan to move it to a better position so I can use the complete arc. I use the Bud for ku fta west of G10, not really much there. And I can't get any C fta east of AMC9. I've got

permission to get a neighbors, no longer in use, Bud to place where I can get the rest of the arc for C fta (as well as analog). I'll plant it from midday toward the east. It's a mesh, so maybe the topple facter won't be as bad. But, enough ranting, getting back on topic, yes, indeed get a ku mini dish. The 31 inch should be fine, but I would get as big as my pocketbook could stand.

WOW a Fiberglass dish...I remember those...Just like a catcher's mit in a windstorm but a beautiful picture to be had!!!

Recommendations from this forum are good enough for me...Luckily, I can get everything from AMC3 to F1 on the bud...that is the only spot in my yard that does not get clipped by trees...been hacking at a big one today in prep for the little Dish i knew I would be getting as soon as I heard from someone here in the know!

One thing that still confuses me is the C band in a little dish....what LNB(s) do you use? I thought of getting a package with the Invacom QPH-031 but I think that is a KU LNB only (DVB and regular?) Is it worth it for C band on FTA.....

I figure I can have the new little dish see from AMC3 to maybe G10r until I get a tree block in the summer...should be good enough (G10r has a ton of channels...should I be looking to anything further west for FTA? (Have to have another look at the Lyngstat page I guess)

Placement will become an issue unless I get up on the roof! (hate working on a steep pitched roof!) The spot I mentioned is on the side of the Garage (amc3-g10r can be seen just fine according to my compass and gut feel (I AM getting the Birdish for Xmas...pried it out of her...but it nis late arriving, should be here mid week!!!!)....have not tried anything west of G10r yet with the Bud FTA....)
Your thoughts are appreciated since I feel like a fish flopping around on land with this new small dish stuff! As I said, My BUD has the prime location set into concrete block (in a 3 ft deep hole) on a 6 ft above ground pole. I do have a 24" new Superjack that would let it look further west but there is nada to be had...will wait til the old 18" actuator dies before I replace it. Came close a few months ago when we had a 90mph windstorm. I draw the dish around East so there is little strain on the actuator as possible when we get a wind blew down 60 ft of redwood fence, but not the dish!!! Those perforated aluminum Wineguards are pretty tough!!!...survived 25+ yrs now so it is doing ok!!!!
Merry Xmas...and Thanks!
Not really that much west of G-10R, just a couple of barker channels and some Chinese TV.

The small dishes cannot pick up C-band (there are members of this forum experimenting with mounting a BUD C-band LNB on a 1 meter or larger "small" dish and having limited success receiving some C-band). However, 4DTV would never work using this concept. The small dishes (30", 36", 1 meter, 1.2 meter) are basically Ku-only dishes.
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Thank you Tron...

Tron said:
Not really that much west of G-10R, just a couple of barker channels and some Chinese TV.
The small dishes cannot pick up C-band (there are members of this forum experimenting with mounting a BUD C-band LNB on a 1 meter or larger "small" dish and having limited success receiving some C-band). However, 4DTV would never work using this concept. The small dishes (30", 36", 1 meter, 1.2 meter) are basically Ku-only dishes.

Now I feel better....That Package is looking better all the time now. I would love to order ftom Pete....but Ebay's prices are VERY tough to beat! Those guys probably operate out of their homes or drop shop with no overhead! Satellite in particular is a BIG category and those guys must do very well considering the number of items they sell!

I use Ebay now only to dispose of items I have replaced and have no use for...a few years ago, I went out buying stuff to resell and did very well, and it was fun. It has gotten very enpensive for sellers and the scams have increased dramatically! (Had 645 transactions before I stopped!). Just sold a old Snow Blower (got a new jumbo sized one for a bigger home and driveway! )and older HDTV on Ebay...The buyers made out as did I disposing of clutter!!!!

Thanks again Tron and everyone....It is appreciated!
I would go with the 36" dish if you can to get more stuff and quality.

Good luck with your install and drop us a line with the results.

gizzer777 said:
Now I feel better....That Package is looking better all the time now. I would love to order ftom Pete....but Ebay's prices are VERY tough to beat! Those guys probably operate out of their homes or drop shop with no overhead! Satellite in particular is a BIG category and those guys must do very well considering the number of items they sell!
I use Ebay now only to dispose of items I have replaced and have no use for...a few years ago, I went out buying stuff to resell and did very well, and it was fun. It has gotten very enpensive for sellers and the scams have increased dramatically! (Had 645 transactions before I stopped!). Just sold a old Snow Blower (got a new jumbo sized one for a bigger home and driveway! )and older HDTV on Ebay...The buyers made out as did I disposing of clutter!!!!
Thanks again Tron and everyone....It is appreciated!
ken2400 said:
I would go with the 36" dish if you can to get more stuff and quality.
Good luck with your install and drop us a line with the results.

I have the room...will go looking for a Winegard or do you recommend another brand...
Thanks again
36" dish...Not so easy to find

ken2400 said:
I would go with the 36" dish if you can to get more stuff and quality.
Good luck with your install and drop us a line with the results.

Been looking around...apparently the 1 meter dishes by Winegard are not that popular and are hard to find! On Ebay they do have a 36" model by some Tiawanese company (also did a Google search for a 1 meterr, 36" Winegard)...Think I should stay with a Winegard 31 or try el cheapo Tiawanese model...My gut instinct says to stay with Winegard!
The all American made Winegard DS 2076 out performs many slightly larger "not so well made" satellite dish!

I would hold out for the 1m Winegard if at all possible, they can be had but of course cost a little extra because they are over sized products to ship!
Thank you Pete...

PSB said:
The all American made Winegard DS 2076 out performs many slightly larger "not so well made" satellite dish!
I would hold out for the 1m Winegard if at all possible, they can be had but of course cost a little extra because they are over sized products to ship!

I have not seen one on your site...Believe me I would rather buy from you...a forum supporter! Do you have them(or can get them)....Just how bad do they run? I try hard not to by non american made stuff....getting harder and harder!

How about this one
Just got my new Superjack II 24" C band dish mover (old one was made here..

Now the box says "Assembled and manufactured in China!,,,,Components manufactured in Taiwan, Japan (ok for that part) and USA!!! It still seems of high quality though!! How's that for a mix!!! Still a nice product.....
Gizzer, I have a Winegard 76cm and have gotten great results using it on my SG-2100 motor. I recently took it down because the paint had gotten scratched post-Katrina, and I am currently replacing it with a 36" steel dish I found while rummaging around the neighborhood.

I will someday figure out how to replace the paint on the Winegard. Right now I'm weather-proofing my SG-2100 setup. This involves drilling out the holes in the brackets so I can mount the motor using the 3/8" square U-bolts found at ACE hardware. I will also paint the brackets.

I have purchased a fortune's worth of broadcast gear on E-Bay, stuff I'd never have been able to touch otherwise. It's a great resource, but be careful when you buy to be sure you're getting a good deal and not a scam.
Good Info...Thanks

Tron said:
Not really that much west of G-10R, just a couple of barker channels and some Chinese TV.
The small dishes cannot pick up C-band (there are members of this forum experimenting with mounting a BUD C-band LNB on a 1 meter or larger "small" dish and having limited success receiving some C-band). However, 4DTV would never work using this concept. The small dishes (30", 36", 1 meter, 1.2 meter) are basically Ku-only dishes.

Thanks Tron.

That information makes my decision on WHERE to mount the new dish much easier. I can now use a different spot on the house that is better protected from the wind! I was looking at Lingsat until I got dizzy!!

I am definately going for a KU little (probably 31") dish!! In want a Winegard dish (my 25 yr old BUD is a Winegard too and has stood the test of time!!) Of course "they don't make stuff like they used too", but I like the dish and the 1 meter is a bit too big and expensive for the mounting on the side of the house....Mushroom land to be sure!!
TELSAR 7 or INtellisat 7 has a great free to air channel west of g-10 called
STAR TV NETWORK. it is part of the talk star radio network and you can receive Chuck Harder radio side and old movies on the TV side. with infomercials running in between the movies. it is the only free 2 air transponder on the sat.
Just when I thought it was safe.....

neil_kc1 said:
TELSAR 7 or INtellisat 7 has a great free to air channel west of g-10 called
STAR TV NETWORK. it is part of the talk star radio network and you can receive Chuck Harder radio side and old movies on the TV side. with infomercials running in between the movies. it is the only free 2 air transponder on the sat.

Oh I need a new spot for my new dedicated FTA...will check these out with the BUD 1st! That is one nice thing about being hooked up to a working dish centered on the Clark Belt...can see what I need before putting up a new dish!

Thanks Neil!
Ok, its on the way!

voomvoom said:
I would highly recommend a small fta dish for ku. I have a 30" fortec and it gets AMC better than the ole BUD does. But, I think it's mainly because I have a pine tree that blocks about 2/5ths of my BUD dish. I can't honestly say either one is better than the other (except on AMC9), for what I watch. But, it's my belief, bigger is better. I have the BUD set up for midday towards the west. It's an old fiberglass dish and AMC9 is the furtherest east sat I can get with it, any further, or a strong gust of wind and it topples over, which is an extreme pain to straighten out, not to mention reprogramming the sats back in the 4dtv. The 30" ku is set on my clothes line pole and a tree is in the way west of G10. I plan to move it to a better position so I can use the complete arc. I use the Bud for ku fta west of G10, not really much there. And I can't get any C fta east of AMC9. I've got permission to get a neighbors, no longer in use, Bud to place where I can get the rest of the arc for C fta (as well as analog). I'll plant it from midday toward the east. It's a mesh, so maybe the topple facter won't be as bad. But, enough ranting, getting back on topic, yes, indeed get a ku mini dish. The 31 inch should be fine, but I would get as big as my pocketbook could stand.

After much debate on the size of the dish...due to where it will mount, I went with:

QPH031 INVACOM LNB + 30" INCH WINEGARD DS2076 dish + SG2100 ...for about $189 delivered....not bad I guess. Now to round up some low loss Belden cable and wait for delivery and the weather!!!! Should be pretty easy to set up with the Birdog and my Bud as reference (along with the ole trusty compass, level, and plumb.)

I think I found a spot that can see from about 83 East to past 133D west that can "see " past my BUD and is low enough to work on with out getting altitude sickness!
neil_kc1 said:
TELSAR 7 or INtellisat 7 has a great free to air channel west of g-10 called
STAR TV NETWORK. it is part of the talk star radio network and you can receive Chuck Harder radio side and old movies on the TV side. with infomercials running in between the movies. it is the only free 2 air transponder on the sat.
Thanks for the heads up! This must be a new channel, I don't recall it having been there a few months ago. Since I don't have a motorized system working at the moment (weatherizing), how is the signal quality on STAR TV's transponder?
Great channel been there for MONTHS, I have been watching it a lot over the holidays (Cheesy old/safe TV). Right now my signal quality on this channel is at 99%

(With a frozen picture)
Paint and Rust suggestion

Tron said:
Gizzer, I have a Winegard 76cm and have gotten great results using it on my SG-2100 motor. I recently took it down because the paint had gotten scratched post-Katrina, and I am currently replacing it with a 36" steel dish I found while rummaging around the neighborhood.
I will someday figure out how to replace the paint on the Winegard. Right now I'm weather-proofing my SG-2100 setup. This involves drilling out the holes in the brackets so I can mount the motor using the 3/8" square U-bolts found at ACE hardware. I will also paint the brackets.
I have purchased a fortune's worth of broadcast gear on E-Bay, stuff I'd never have been able to touch otherwise. It's a great resource, but be careful when you buy to be sure you're getting a good deal and not a scam.

Hi tron:

If you do not mind the expensive, You can strip off ALL existing paint (I have a sand blower attachment for my compressor) and send it out to be powder coated! Powder coating is the way to go! Will last a LOOOONG time.

My BUD (20+) yrs old by Wingard is showing a few spots of rust at the welds recently (amazing durability). I am going to use rustoleom rust remover jell this spring and try to find some close auto touchup spray for it (it came with a can of touchup but nthat way gone years ago). That Jel;l works wonders, as the sandblaster for small jobs (it was pretty cheap too...from Harbor Freight tools)

I like the jell idea. I use some stuff that says it converts rust into a paintable surface on my car. I think getting rid of the rust would be the best way to go if you have the time. I wonder tho if liquid paint would last longer than spray? Unless you put two or three coats of spray on?

Good luck and keep the BUDs going :D

gizzer777 said:
Hi tron:
If you do not mind the expensive, You can strip off ALL existing paint (I have a sand blower attachment for my compressor) and send it out to be powder coated! Powder coating is the way to go! Will last a LOOOONG time.
My BUD (20+) yrs old by Wingard is showing a few spots of rust at the welds recently (amazing durability). I am going to use rustoleom rust remover jell this spring and try to find some close auto touchup spray for it (it came with a can of touchup but nthat way gone years ago). That Jel;l works wonders, as the sandblaster for small jobs (it was pretty cheap too...from Harbor Freight tools)
gizzer777 said:
Hi tron:
If you do not mind the expensive, You can strip off ALL existing paint (I have a sand blower attachment for my compressor) and send it out to be powder coated! Powder coating is the way to go! Will last a LOOOONG time.
My BUD (20+) yrs old by Wingard is showing a few spots of rust at the welds recently (amazing durability). I am going to use rustoleom rust remover jell this spring and try to find some close auto touchup spray for it (it came with a can of touchup but nthat way gone years ago). That Jel;l works wonders, as the sandblaster for small jobs (it was pretty cheap too...from Harbor Freight tools)
Thanks! Might try that route...

The only problem is that a Winegard 76cm only costs about $80 after shipping, so I'm not sure if sending it off would be cost-effective unless it could be done locally. I could still strip off the old paint and hit it with a coat of primer, though...
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