well as you can see, no one will knock anyone down trying to offer you any useful info. make sure to take the steps to confirm you have the right lnb frquency, your mount is plumb, azimuth, skew... there a whole list of basics I'm sure you know. There are lots of internet resouces for tips on aiming you dish, locating satelite, setting up your receiver.
There are good tips here, I've found icebergs check lists and posts to be very helpfiul. But I am basically in the same boat. I think I got the basics covered. You will get a good strength reading just by plugging in the lnb. I am getting decent reading on my sat finder meter but not much luck on the quality. I will research it more tonight and let you know what I find. Perhaps I better invest in a better meter. I'm sure I figure it out soon.
Sorry, didn't mean to drone on and hijack your post. Im just next door in TEXAS