If there are more and more sitings of PS3s in stores the number has to be more then 500,000. If given that about 178,000 (weak very weak) were sold on launch day and both Circuit City, Target and Best Buy and Gamestop/EB have recieved at least as many PS3s since launch it would seem Sony has stepped up production. If we double the launch numbers that would equal to 356,000 units. Now that secondary retailers are now recieving them (even in small quantities of 10) it would be hard not to come to the conclusion that at least 500,000 or more PS3s have shipped here in North America.
I am sure some marketing agency is talling numbers and we shall know shortly how many PS3s made it to the market before Christmas. All I can say is lookout if Sony actually hits its 6 million projection of acutal sales by the end of March 2007. To do in 5 months what it took M$ 10 months with the XBOX360 can not be seen as good news for M$ at all. And how about that Wii! If the remotes don't start killing people that system might sell over 10 million by the end of March 2007! Who said the video game market was slowing down?