Pron since switching to triple LNB

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Feb 2, 2004
I have been using Directv with a dual lnb dish and a sony sat-hd100 receiver without any problems for 2-3 years (panasonic plasma monitor). A few weeks ago, I decided to upgrade to the HD package from directv, so they sent me the third lnb to install between the existing 2 lnb’s on the dish, which I did.

Ever since I did this, the reception on the hd channels (like ESPNHD) is extremely spotty – I can’t go for more than 30 minutes without getting a “searching for satellite” message. The image will come back on at some point, but then goes out again.

What’s worse is that now on my non-HD channels, which were fine before, I’m now also getting a SFSS signal. Althgough it’s not as frequent as on the HD channels, it still happens enough to be annoying (for example, I got an SFSS signal during the last 10 minutes of the Super Bowl!!).

Any idea what might have happened? I don’t think the dish could have been knocked out of alignment because it’s weighed down on the roof by 6 cinder blocks. I’ve checked and tightened all the connections around the dish as well. Help!
You are definatly losing signal, assuming that you installed the C-sat Kit correctly, 110 LNB combined with 18 Volt (even Transponders) you must have knocked your dish slightly out of alignment. Did you ever have SFSS on the 119 Sat. Things to check Ch 100 and 500, these are the even and odd transponders on 101, is ch 99 the test channel logo for the 110 sat and is 400 in english or spanish. Check the balance btw the 101 and 119 signal, if one is in the 90s and the other is in 60s check the rotation of dish, you may also have to adjust the elavation then the rotation. As a note to all it is important that you verify that you are actually receiving the right programing for each satellite before you rely on signal meter. If the 22 khz tone does not get to the multiswitch, then the 101 signal will mirror to the 110 and 119 satellites.
Check the cable from 110 to Sat "C" combiner and from the Sat "C" combiner to the multi switch those are the new items to the system.
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