Problems mapping local stations


Original poster
Sep 29, 2003
I got my 811 a couple weeks ago, and everything worked pretty well. The DTV scan did not pick up my local CBS (digital channel 56), but I could add it manually. I know it worked because last weekend I watched NCAA Tourney games from KC in HD. Somehow between last week and yesterday I lost the CBS channel mapping. Now when I go to manually add a DTV channel it does not save the entry. I see the signal strength fluctuate between 88-92, and click save and give it a name, but it does not appear on the local channels list. Dish CSRs were no help just saying it was a known problem and since I am getting OTA locals for free they really did not care.
Looking around here I see a lot of people losing their local mappings, having them appear on the wrong number, and the 49% problem but I haven't seen much about simply not being able to add a local channel. This thread from a while ago ( talked about losing channels, but that is not exactly my problem.
I tried to reset the 811 by holding the power button down and that did not help either.
Anyone have any thoughts? The games from St Louis will be in HD tonight, and I really want to see them...
uhrigwk said:
Now when I go to manually add a DTV channel it does not save the entry. I see the signal strength fluctuate between 88-92, and click save and give it a name, but it does not appear on the local channels list. ...

You have to wait until the strength meter goes green and you get the message that the channel is locked in. Then, you can hit the "save" button and add whatever name you wish.

Of course, it might all be forgotten in a few days.

The key is waiting until you get the green/locked indication, not just what you think is sufficient signal strength. Btw, you can hit Save when you're in the green, but still not get the naming screen. If you don't, the signal strength probably dropped to below "locked" just as you hit Save. Just go back to the Add DTV, punch in the freq. and wait again til the bar goes green for "locked."
Hi Forum, and fellow 811 users. W/ the new software update on 3.23.04, P2.65, the OTA mapping lock was corrected. I was having troubles keeping my CBS locked in at CH.5. It always wanted to revert back to transmit CH.56. Since the update, I have had CBS locked in properly at CH.5 as it should be.. Manually enter transmit ch.56, wait for the lock, save it, name it, and it should(italics) be there in the channel list.(in yellow). Hope this sheds some light for you.. Good luck.
Supposedly there was a problem with the station that a lot of others are reporting at avsforum, so maybe I was too quick in blaming the 811. I will check tonight when I get back from work

Freya1, are you in St Louis area? I was having problems with KMOV, digital 56 mapped to 5. If you are able to pull in KMOV now that is a good sign.
No, actually Im in the Green Bay area, and CBS DT transmits at CH.56. After the update, it would finally stay locked in at ch.5. Sorry I cant answer your question UHRIGWK concerning KMOV. I just thought the OTA mapping lock was fixed cuz my CBS stays locked now, and it never would before.
AcuraCL said:
You have to wait until the strength meter goes green and you get the message that the channel is locked in. Then, you can hit the "save" button and add whatever name you wish.

Of course, it might all be forgotten in a few days.

The key is waiting until you get the green/locked indication, not just what you think is sufficient signal strength. Btw, you can hit Save when you're in the green, but still not get the naming screen. If you don't, the signal strength probably dropped to below "locked" just as you hit Save. Just go back to the Add DTV, punch in the freq. and wait again til the bar goes green for "locked."

Yep, right on. Actually I have no problem getting a lock on my local NBC channel. The signal is only 60-62 now, but was 70-75 before. It still locks fine in the setup.

Switching to the channel is another thing.. It starts at 49%, errors out, back to 49, jumps to 65, down to 49, etc etc.

I can sometimes force the lock by hitting the info button and waiting 5 seconds as someone suggested, or trying the guide button.

If you can lock it manually, why doesn't the darn receiver stay locked for that channel? If I go back into setup it still locks fine.

They gotta fix this!
I have the same problem with KMOV losing its mapping. Since it's the only one in St. Louis I have trouble with, I'm beginning to think it is KMOV. Usually I just punch 056 into the remote and bypass the problem.

I thought emails to CEO@echostar were suppose to be answered?

Installing dish 500 duel LMB ?

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