Problem with vp1022a

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Nov 9, 2004
Hello all

I have a strange problem. I bought a vp1022a card two weeks ago and I'm having big problems with it.

I also have an vp1020a card. I have two hardware setup. One with a sg2100 motor and a diseqc switch and the other one with a panam diseqc switch and three lnbs.

Here is the problem. If I have the vp1020a my setup works normally, but if I place the vp1022a in my pc :

With setup 1 (motor) nothing works, the motor is not working and I can't see anything.

With setup 2 (3lnb) it doesn't switch between lnbs (not always).

I use MyTheatre and I tried all sort of things in this software to make it work with my vp1022a.

I'm been fighting with this new card for many days and now I have to admit that I don't know what to do.

Do you have any ideas.

moving to FTA section :)

I don't use a PC card, but someone who does should be able to help you out :D
I'm extremely new to this, been using a 1020a for about 2 months, so take my reply with a grain of salt. It sounds like the two cards are conflicting with each other. Are you sure that you can have them both in the PC at the same time? Since you know it works with just the 1020a card, you might take the 1020a out and put in just the 1022a to test. If the setup works correctly I'd be highly suspcious of a conflict. Another thought is that it may be an IRQ issue that could be solved by manually setting the IRQ (if your motherboard supports it) of each card so that they are on different interrupts.


The two cards are not there at the same time.

Best regards


I read that the tuner is more sensitive that the vp1020a.

I would think it's all software issues. Usually the early drivers for most cards are full of problems and incompatabilities with other software. I guess until Saar (the author of MyTheatre) gets down to test that particular card, there will be problems. Have you tried the 1022 with the original SW that came with it?
Also, go to MyTheatre support forums and ask Saar about that card there.
further investigation on 1022A problems

A while ago I got a 1022A on ebay.
Initially had it hooked up to a 95cm dish with
a DMS universal LNB pointed to Telstar12 . The card worked
very well for several days.

Things went wrong when I tried to hook it up to a spare DBS dish with
the dual circular LNB.
After pointing it to one of the satellites with DVB signal, I got intermittent
signal: signal for 10-20 sec, then I need to unplug the cable to let the card
cool down, then plug back in, and get good signal for about 10 sec, then the Twinhan app shows zero quality and 75% signal strength (red bar only).
This was not a problem with dish pointing because my Samsung receiver was getting excellent quality signal. I used a meter,
and the voltage for horizontal polarity was at about 20.6V, higher than the
usual 18. (The samsung FTA that I have has 18.6V output).
I created a home-made
heat sink that I attached to that hot resistor(?) on the upper corner. That
improved things a lot, but at some point I lost both quality and signal strength.
I was not able to recover the card after that. Measuring the voltage at the output, I get only 1.0V. Looks like the DC power supply part is gone.
The card however still works if I slave it from my Samsung FTA receiver.

It looks to me like bad power and thermal design for this particular card.
The interesting thing is that things break down only with the DBS LNBs.
They seem to drain more power. I only wonder what would happen if you attach a motor!

Avoid this card if you can. If fact, I think that all PCI cards should have
power limitations. To drive a motor you need 500mA at 18V. That is quite
some power you need to draw out of the PCI bus.
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