Hey navychop, if your distribution point is in the attic you should encourage the installer to install the duo node there & not put it at the dish. It may require him to run a 3rd line from the dish, but that shouldn't be a big deal. With your equipment configuration everything can be tied into the node without additional devices. Imo less devices is less of chance for component failure.
Agreed! I hope to have him put the duo node inside, simple cable cut (I leave a lot of slack, for all runs- coax, romex, telephone and RJ-45).
The 3 lines from the dish hit a "grounding point" that does not "really" attach to a ground, on the roof. The three lines, plus other pre-run lines for future use, then go into the attic. And the three go straight to the receivers. The fourth, EXER, is in the attic now, but could be sent outside if that's where he insists the Duo node should go. Simple cuts in the attic can connect to a Duo, then out to the 2H/2J. All coax is labelled both at the grounding point/dish, and inside the attic.
This should be a simple, quick, install. Or have I missed something?
If he does it the way I want, there's a $40 tip in it. Plus, I've really done most of his work for him. If he's dumb, he might hit the bricks, and I'll BUY the two Hoppers and a duo and do it myself. I'm tempted to, as it is. Not that much more money, really. But who knwos what problems may come up in install? Bad connectors? etc. So I'm inclined to pay for the lease/install/upgrade and contract extension. Heck, even if I decided tomorrow to go minimum and just watch whats on the DVRs and EHDs, I'd probably be 2 years out.