Starting a new thread on this. I installed my preamp yesterday and it has killed the signals I got without it.
I dedicated a coax from our antenna to the OTA module on our 722k. Before I had it all going through our DISH equipment outside diplexed on to the DISH cable coming inside.
Our ABC tower is the closest and antenna alone it will come in at 100 at night. With the preamp it drops to 75-85 depending on what I have the gain set to. CBS NBC and FOX are all at 65 to 70 at night. With the preamp I get nothing.
During the day without the preamp I can only get ABC.
I'm really not sure what the deal is. It makes no sense to me why the signal drops with the preamp. The antenna is about 15 feet off the ground.
Attached is my original TVFool report. The antenna is an Antennacraft HBU33 and the preamp is an Antennacraft 10G212.
There is less than 75 feet of coax line total.
I dedicated a coax from our antenna to the OTA module on our 722k. Before I had it all going through our DISH equipment outside diplexed on to the DISH cable coming inside.
Our ABC tower is the closest and antenna alone it will come in at 100 at night. With the preamp it drops to 75-85 depending on what I have the gain set to. CBS NBC and FOX are all at 65 to 70 at night. With the preamp I get nothing.
During the day without the preamp I can only get ABC.
I'm really not sure what the deal is. It makes no sense to me why the signal drops with the preamp. The antenna is about 15 feet off the ground.
Attached is my original TVFool report. The antenna is an Antennacraft HBU33 and the preamp is an Antennacraft 10G212.
There is less than 75 feet of coax line total.