Possible Slight Delay of AMC-15 Launch


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Nov 28, 2003
A Soyuz launch to the International Space Station has been scheduled for October 14th from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, the same launch site as AMC-15. Here's a link:


I do not believe that the Russians can/would have two launches from the same site in one day. Since the Soyuz launch date was set after the AMC-15 launch date, I would expect it to have priority so I would expect the AMC-15 launch to slip a couple of days unless there is a hiccup in the Soyuz lunch.

In another thread the question was asked on how long after launch would AMC-15 become operational.

If you look at the news section of the SES Americom website here,


you will notice that AMC-11 was launched on 5/19/04 and completed its on-orbit testing on 7/13/04 which is about two months. Now it may take a little longer since there is typically a larger initial orbital inclination when a satellite is launched from Russia than Florida so it may take slightly longer to maneuver the satellite to its final geostationary orbit. If AMC-15 is launched within a week or so of the October 14th date, I would expect it to be operational no later than January 1, 2005. This would be about the same time that DirecTV has the NFL HD TPs freed up as the NFL season ends.

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