Please recommend a complete FTA setup (receiver, dish, ...)

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New Member
Original poster
Nov 6, 2011

New guy here :)

I'm looking for a complete FTA setup, receiver, dish, ... not interested in illegal stuff, dish network, etc. Looking to channels on Galaxy 25 satellite, live in Seattle, WA, engineer.

Can you please recommend a complete setup? Need an HD receiver with PVR so I can connect a USB hard drive to it. Something reliable and high quality that will last me a few years at least. What about the dish and other stuff needed? Please recommend a full setup (and place to buy online). I know next to nothing about bells and whistles needed, what is an AZBox (do I care to get that?), etc ...

Also if you are in Seattle and can do clean and professional installation please let me know!

Thank you all!

Welcome to the forum Tex. If you're mainly interested in the programming on 97KU I don't think you really need the expense of the Azbox. But even though some of them are expensive , they do seem to have more of the 'bells and whistles' when it comes to the different signal formats and modulations that uplinkers use. Right now the majority of signals on 97 are standard definition, and a rather simple receiver will pick them up just fine. There are several receiver brands that claim recording capability, suggest you check out the sponsors at the top of the page first, like Galaxy Marketing and SatelliteAV. Most of us recommend a 90cm dish as a minimum. See what they have, ask more questions about what you find, and wait for others who use PVR-type receivers to post back for you on their experiences.
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Welcome Tex,

There are over 200 ch. you can watch for free on your G25, now known as G19 or better yet by it's orbital position 97w. This is a good place to start in FTA and Satellite AV can give you one stop shopping for a receiver/dish package and installation reference to someone in your area.
My first receiver was a GeosatPro 1100c that gets all the Glory Star channels and much more, and can record to a USB drive.
Satellite AV, LLC - Satellite Broadcaster Support and Equipment Distribution
Welcome Tex,

There are over 200 ch. you can watch for free on your G25, now known as G19 or better yet by it's orbital position 97w. This is a good place to start in FTA and Satellite AV can give you one stop shopping for a receiver/dish package and installation reference to someone in your area.
My first receiver was a GeosatPro 1100c that gets all the Glory Star channels and much more, and can record to a USB drive.
Satellite AV, LLC - Satellite Broadcaster Support and Equipment Distribution

Excellent recommendation.:up
:welcome to the site Tex, looks like you got enough info to get started. Still though don't hesitate to ask any question!!
... Right now the majority of signals on 97 are standard definition, and a rather simple receiver will pick them up just fine.

If this is the case, then maybe I can just go with a cheap but capable standard definition RX for now (and forget about PVR), and upgrade later if more HD channels show up. Any favorites for such a receiver?

Also, how (where) can I find out which 97KU channels are SD or HD? A pointer to an FTA FAQ of sorts would be appreciated as well just so that I can understand the meaning of all the buzz words around ...

Thanks again to all those who've replied so far!

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There are no HD channels on 97 Ku. There might be a few that are MPEG4, but they're all SD.
Any opinions on the OpenBox S10 (or S9) HD vs SatelliteAv's DVR1100C vs Sadoun's SatHawk PVR100?
I have an Openbox S9, but I'm hesitant to recommend the receiver at this time, especially to someone just starting in the hobby. It is a good box for the money, but it also has many issues, some of which have been solved by firmware upgrades and others that haven't as of yet. Some users are reporting power supply board issues as well, and the box is not UL approved. In the recent past, I would have recommended it anyway due to its "bang for the buck" factor, but a new receiver is being developed by SatelliteAV that should have the same price point and promises to be better supported for the North American FTA viewer.
I fully enjoy my DVR from SatelliteAV. I totally trust Brian and his company to provide what (and better Than WHAT) he says. If I was in a hurry, the DVR package from his website is exactly what I would order. I would be sure it had the upgraded dish with it. Since I can wait, :coffee I will order a package with his new dish and new receiver as soon as it is available to order. I have the money put aside, right now. I do not think the mini has a dvr, but the rest of the receiver is what I want. (A dvr would be nice, but not a demand for me..)
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I do not think the mini has a dvr, but the rest of the receiver is what I want. (A dvr would be nice, but not a demand for me..)

The microHD has full DVR function and multimedia playback of JPEG, MPEG2, MPEG4, AVI, MP3, AAC AV files.
Never -buy- a dish smaller than 36" (90cm).

There are single- and dual-output LNBFs, and you think you'll ever expand to 2..4 receivers in the future, consider the dual-output now.
(adding a multiswitch to a dual-output LNBF will let you feed 4..8 receivers easily - we have an FAQ for that when you are ready)

For first-timers, I'd install the dish about chest-height, so you can get to it easily for tune-up and future modifications.
That's often a pole in the back yard, or mounted to the side of the house.
You put it on the roof or any place that needs a ladder, and there's an 85% chance you'll be sorry. ;)
The FTA hobby is one of learning, and growth, not static like installing DishNet or DirecTV.

These recommendations for SatelliteAV may seem a little self serving, as he's a site sponsor here.
Trust me when I say, sponsor or not, if someone messes with the members they will get chewed up!
One former sponsor certainly did.
Another former sponsor is still spoken of fondly and regularly, 'cause he did well by us.

I've called up Brian of SatelliteAV, and had a number of discussions with him over the years.
He and his company are very helpful, friendly, and seem to go out of the way to supply reliable equipment.
If his new receiver is available in a time frame that is convenient to you, I'd seriously consider it.
Past experience (mine and others) with his receivers has been very positive. - :up
Anole and others,

Thanks very much for your insights! Looks like I will wait and get the new microHD receiver package from SatelliteAV. I wrote to Brian, he replied promptly, and everybody here has a lot of positive things to say about him and his company, so it's a no brainer now ...

Many thanks again to everybody!

This fellow has asked for a complete satellite system, and from what I have read here everybody is pointing him towards KU. 97W does have a lot of stations on it but unless you can speak multiple languages there is only about 6-8 that are english after you remove the religious station, and of what's left most are news stations.

What is the largest size dish you can put up in Seattle without the local authorities nailing to a cross, and how much money do you want to spend. If you are going to spend money on a satellite system then you might as well get the best system you can, that you can afford, if allowed. You can still get C Band dishes ( I believe Sadoun sell 8 foot solid for around $400.00 and skyvision, at least in there catalogue sell 10 foot mesh for around $700.00. A 8 foot solid will give you the same signal as a 10 foot mesh. Add an actuator, dual C/KU Lnb, mounting post, and an suitable receiver and you have the best of both worlds. The other advantage of C Band is with addition of another receiver you can receive 4DTV on 105W.

I would suggest you go to and click on master, this will list all the channels you can receive on KU, their satellites and languages.

I would suggest going to click on america and go through all the C Band and C/KU Band satellites and look at the programming. You will find that C Band will give you much more than KU, but if you go big dish if you can you can receive both.
Please reply by conversation.

Brand New HD FTA Satellite Receiver MPEG-4 on ebay

Relative Newbie here

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