i am using a fortec 11 recevier and a geosat pro motor when i do my set up and try to find 97w my motor will move but not to that sat my lat is 35.3 and my long is -81.38 so when i go on the roof to find the sat by pushing the buttons on the motor i get it everytime but when i come down to do it by the recevier i lose the signal everytime so i tried to scan the sats after i find sats by going on the roof to do it manually but still nothing. are my lat & long right or does the - in front of the 81.538 have something to do with it .i live in n.c. my zip is 28150 my dis is plumb i can find all sats in my area by manually pushing the buttons on the motor but to tell the receiver to do it the dish will either move or to far or when i change my lat & long to w or s nothing can some one help me in the right direction.