Planning to get Dish Network


SatelliteGuys Master
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Dec 31, 2006
Well i am sick and tired of Charter Communications after 2 years...The problem with them is..their HD channels have tons of macroblocking + SD channels look horrible with my new HD receiver...and they say they can't do anything to fix that issue..sad no?

Anyways im planning to move back to Dish Network and planning to get HD service.
I have few questions for you guys.
First question, When i get HD receiver will my SD channels look like crap or lose quality or will it be the same?
Second question, Where should i order Dish from? directly from DishNetwork or a different provider that offers better deal? Id like to go somewhere safe..if you know what i mean.
I am also planning to get NTV (Bangladesh Internation Channel) will i need another dish? My current appartment complex allows me to have only 1 dish installed.

I am planning to order tonight, so please reply to this thread asap.
Thanks for your time reading this post.
sd channels will look good.

the retailers offer the same deals as dish network corporate. the decision is up to you.

a dish 1000+ would work for a hd package with the addition of ntv. but if you live in certain parts of the country this isn't an option and then you'd need two dishes. what is your zip code?
another question how much bigger is the dish 1000 plus than the regular 500?
Another thing is it true that Dish Network doesn't deliver true HD like cable companies? not sure if this is just a rumour or fact..
ah cool, what about my other one has answered them yet..
These threads are slow. Especially on new years eve. Whats your hurry? Give it a few days and make an informed decision. I don't have the dish 1000 yet but it is oval shape instead of round. Do you need exact dimensions?

SD will never look as good as HD. That's why it's called HD. The cable analog SD looks terrible. These are usually the lowest numbered channels. Sat tv is all digital. Don't know anything about foreign language channels. Stick with calling dish for all these questions, installation, and sign-up deals. Nobody else can offer anything better. Check out also.
your zip code qualifies for a dish1000+ so you can get what you want with only one dish. dunno about the rest of your questions. i'm going to bed.
Another thing is it true that Dish Network doesn't deliver true HD like cable companies? not sure if this is just a rumour or fact..

Dish Network HD beats the HELL out of cable's HD, at least from my experience! It may not be "true" HD by some people's standards, but if it's not, whatever it is looks a lot better than Cox Cable's HD!!

Ok ill wait another day or so i could get more answers to my thread...
The current Cable SD channels use to look good when i use to have the regular motorola box for SD channels only no HD..
Now that i got the HD receiver all my SD channels look like crap including my premium movie channels.

I saw good deals on other satellite websites that provide DishNetwork but lower prices than the actual Dish Network..
Ok ill wait another day or so i could get more answers to my thread...
The current Cable SD channels use to look good when i use to have the regular motorola box for SD channels only no HD..
Now that i got the HD receiver all my SD channels look like crap including my premium movie channels.

I saw good deals on other satellite websites that provide DishNetwork but lower prices than the actual Dish Network..
Were you watching the cable SD box on an HDTV? SD looks better on an old tv. Not all SD looks the same but it never looks as good as HD.

The best HD quality is OTA (over the air antenna). Everybody else compresses most of their HD content but not every show is compressed the same amount. If dish won't match the best deal save $. When I signed up they were all the same.
Yes i do watch SD channels on a HD box..i don't think SD channels should look worse on an HDTV...I mean its the same tv..i had the regular SD receiver from Charter and the regular channel looked good but now on this hdtv receiver they look horrendous..grainy,snowy,blurry...and the hdtv channels get macroblocking..huge pixelations when people move fast...

I hope with Dishnetwork 1000+ i won't have any problems like that.
I wouldnt bother switching to dish just yet, the HD content is not ready for prime time. For HD they will install just a Dish 1000 which is only a few inches bigger than a Dish 500. Anytime it rains or fogs you will lose the 129 bird thus you will lose your HD content. When you do have the 129 bird you will have HD but its not that great. You can tell a big difference on a 622 on satellite HD and OTA HD. The OTA is much better as its really true HD. Dish tries but the service is right quite ready for mainstream, I would wait. Until more people care about HD Dish is not going to fix the problems they have with it. Right now its still a small percentage of their customer base.
Ah, well we get alot of rain around here...and snow...i had Dish Previusly (500) and it use to do just fine when we had rain...but i never had the dish 1000+ so i cannot say..and as far as wind goes..well he get sometimes alot..
The thing is..SD channels + hd channels on cable is just killing me...the quality is just horrid...
Yes i know there is no cancellation fee for cable + no charge up-front for cable...I like the Video on Demand feature charter offers me...i use to be happy with them with SD receiver..but now that i got the HD receiver...well its a nightmare..the SD channel quality never looked so bad..and the HD quality ain't there im disappointed that charter doesn't have no NFL/NBA package which i was mainly interested...the only thing they have now is NHL...and MLB which i don't care for..
If you want NFL package you have to get Directv, not Dish Network. The season just ended 8 hours ago though. Both D* and E* have NBA season pass. Some people have commented that Directv has better looking SD than Dish also. I have both but watch almost all HD. What SD I do watch (Speed Channel etc.) doesn't look that great.
So you think the SD channels on DirectTV looks better than DishNetwork?
My question is when you get DirectTV or DishNetwork HD receiver will your SD channel look worse than before or same or better?

Because when i got the Charter HD service the tech guy that came told me that SD channel will look worse on an HD receiver..i don't belive him he is full of it...let me know what you think..
Also about the NFL thing well im not too into it..i just like to follow my Team(the eagles) but i can pass on that..i like NBA alot and i get most of the Kings game on my local channels but i like other teams too so i think i will definetly get the NBA pass.

Id like to know more about i will make my decision..
Also for you DirectTV users..does DirectTV offer NTV(its an internation channel) and do i need an additional receiver for that?

I found out that Dish1000+ from Dishnetwork only needs 1 dish to get american channels + internation.
The 110 and 119 on a Dish 500 dont have the problems the 129 does. You will only lose the 129 if the weather gets bad because its such a crappy satellite. I wish Dish would do more to fix it. The only way you will get a Dish 1000 + is if you get some international channel pack, Otherwise you will get a Dish 1000. It would be better to install 2 dish 500s to get more signal on the 129
Or get a DPP44 and a 1000 and 500 pointed at 61.5 or the 148 (forgot the number )

Thats what dish DNS did here in MN after 7 service call about 129. But that would take 2 dishes:(

but with the international you need you would need another switch I think.

no expert here..just an idea

Dual tuner with 2 other receivers using 3 tvs

Dish Questions

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