Pixelation when using Galaxy 19 (97w)

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Original poster
Mar 10, 2009
new york
Hi everyone

New guy here.

I have had a galaxy 19 fta setup with stationary dish for almost 7 years now. Everything have been fine till a couple of weeks ago. FTA receiver is Samsung DSR3700

What's happening is that most FTA stations have become tough to watch. Picture gets constantly pixelated and it also affects the audio as it goes in and out!!!!. Interestingly enough there are couple of channels that are working fine.

1. I checked the Dish. It is firm in place and hasn't moved at all.
2. I checked the cabling. Nothing in the middle such as a switch or splitter. All good
3. I checked signal strength and quality. I noticed that quality jumps from 46 to 64 and from 64 to 46 in some frequencies. For some other frequencies it is solid at 76 but picture is still garbled.
4. I removed the cables and reconnected them. Also restarted the receiver.
5. It gets worse at nights

None of my attempts where fruitful.

Can it be that LNB needs to be replaced? Something such as avenger 321 or 322?

I appreciate your help

It looks like your aim is off a little bit.
Grab your dish on the edge and pull/push the dish up-down-left-right a little without loosen the bolts and see if it gets better. Have someone look at the TV to see if the signal gets better. If the signal gets better, then loosen the bolts and adjust the dish. This would be a way to see if the dish moved.

If the dish is mounted on the roof for example, the roof may have warped a little bit, because of heat,cold or moister. Even the if the pole is in the ground the pole itself could had moved.
Sometimes the cable ends build up corrosion or water get into the connectors and sometimes water gets into the LNB / LNBF that may cause problems.
Likely to be the dish installation. First check the aiming as johann12 suggests. Also could be a drifting LNBF LO frequency. As DRO LNBFs age the frequency often drifts out of range and the receiver has difficulty locking onto the signals.

How do you fix a LNB drifting out of range? Replace it?

Dish is so firm that I have to unscrew it in order to move it left/right/up/down....
Non Pll lnbfs you can actually open it and turn the slug. They are cheap enough though I would just order a new one. I have so far had great results and sucsess with the SL1PLL from satelliteAV.

Sent from my Kindle Fire using SatelliteGuys

I love the life time warranty on those PLL LNBFs. The problem is that they are single and not twin. I hope SatelliteAV comes up with a twin one too.

Before I read your last post; I got a new Avenger 322 twin KU lnb from ebay for $7.99 free shipping. I also got a 150ft cable. I HOPE one of those resolves it.

I'll report back.

Thank you
Wow not seen one that cheap, where is the listing for 7.99?
Sorry but it ended. No bidding. Instead "Buy now". Free shipping. Best price now is $12.99 + free shipping which is still terrific

For some reason they have it as "Private listing" so it is tough to find them unless you get deep into google search.

Link to $12.99 private listing
ok thanks....I was thinking about the PLL322...my fault.
kourosh said:
Sorry but it ended. No bidding. Instead "Buy now". Free shipping. Best price now is $12.99 + free shipping which is still terrific

For some reason they have it as "Private listing" so it is tough to find them unless you get deep into google search.

Link to $12.99 private listing

That's a DRO lnbf I think.

Let us know how it works out. I have not tired that one with all the new PLL hitting the market. But if your just using it for mpeg2 should be just fine.
Please accept my apologies but not a 100% sure about LNB mounting ...

Lets say I am replacing the LNB;
Do these things have degrees or settings ? Must be skewed or turned right or left for the correct signal. Not sure what degree clock wise or counter clock wise should it be for 97w. (Galaxy 19). I checked on dishpointer.com and my skew should be 24.6 -->. Not sure which direction it should get twisted


No. Just go ahead and replace the old one. No need to skew it to left or fight

Dish is firm in place. However I just noticed that the existing LNB's BNC port is not downward, instead it is facing the side.

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Yes it will need to be skewed if you are in new york it will be aprox. 24 degs counter-clockwise if you are standing in front of the dish. Go to dishpointer.com and enter your address and and choose 97W G19 and it will tell you exactly.
1. Face the dish (Not looking at back of the dish where pole is ....)
2. Twist the LNB to the LEFT till you get to 24.6 (indicated on front of LNB I assume)

Correct. The Clamp that holds the LNBF should have markings on it and the LNBF will have an arrow.
O'well... It has been a disastrous adventure so far to say the least!

The new Avenger 322 twin lnb came in today and I was so excited. As soon as I got back from work, I grabbed the ladder, removed the old lnb and put in the new one. Guess what? Same result. Pixelation & drops :confused:

Being super disappointed I changed the cable and put in the brand new 150ft Rg6 cable. With this one I got NO quality bar. I tried the other jack on the LNB (Twin..) same result. I tried the old beat up cable. Same result. No quality. It was working just a minute ago??????? Not sure if it died or something like that but no matter what I tried; it couldn't get revived.

Being angry and confused; I put back the old LNB and old cable. Called a friend and borrowed his FTA receiver (Captive works 800). The one I have myself is Samsung DSR3700 from 2002.

When I connected that Captive works 800; I was able to see most of the channels and I had quality of 60 on most channels. There were some pixelations here and there but that could be because I didn't screw in the LNB and it was dark.

The dish hasn't moved an inch. Captive works receiver is obviously newer but I don't think being new has anything to do with it.

Is the receiver messed up? I tried resetting the Samsung DSR3700 but that didn't make anything better & still have pixelation and rest.

O'well... It has been a disastrous adventure so far to say the least!

The new Avenger 322 twin lnb came in today and I was so excited. As soon as I got back from work, I grabbed the ladder, removed the old lnb and put in the new one. Guess what? Same result. Pixelation & drops :confused:

Being super disappointed I changed the cable and put in the brand new 150ft Rg6 cable. With this one I got NO quality bar. I tried the other jack on the LNB (Twin..) same result. I tried the old beat up cable. Same result. No quality. It was working just a minute ago??????? Not sure if it died or something like that but no matter what I tried; it couldn't get revived.

Being angry and confused; I put back the old LNB and old cable. Called a friend and borrowed his FTA receiver (Captive works 800). The one I have myself is Samsung DSR3700 from 2002.

When I connected that Captive works 800; I was able to see most of the channels and I had quality of 60 on most channels. There were some pixelations here and there but that could be because I didn't screw in the LNB and it was dark.

The dish hasn't moved an inch. Captive works receiver is obviously newer but I don't think being new has anything to do with it.

Is the receiver messed up? I tried resetting the Samsung DSR3700 but that didn't make anything better & still have pixelation and rest.


Don't you think it's time to replace a 10 year old receiver? That's like 5 generations ago. You can buy new ones pretty cheap, and if it fixed your problem, why not?
Seven years of good service? I think you got your money's worth. :)

As mentioned above, aging LNBF or cables, along with a wandering dish are most likely.

If you need a dual output and want to try a PLL, there is one.
Its Universal, but your receiver shouldn't have any trouble working with it.
All the choices are fairly inexpensive, so I would certainly try a PLL.

Edit: oops, I posted without reading the 2nd page. :)
Any old Coolsat 5000/6000, Mercury II, or Visionsat I'V 200 should work.
Even some of the questionable/crummy new $50 would do the job.

I would get the microHD from SatAV or one of his dealers.
Then, I'd add a switch and a few more fixed dishes.
Surely there is something you'd like from another bird. ;)
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Anole said:
Seven years of good service? I think you got your money's worth. :)

As mentioned above, aging LNBF or cables, along with a wandering dish are most likely.

If you need a dual output and want to try a PLL, there is one.
Its Universal, but your receiver shouldn't have any trouble working with it.
All the choices are fairly inexpensive, so I would certainly try a PLL.

Edit: oops, I posted without reading the 2nd page. :)
Any old Coolsat 5000/6000, Mercury II, or Visionsat I'V 200 should work.
Even some of the questionable/crummy new $50 would do the job.

I would get the microHD from SatAV or one of his dealers.
Then, I'd add a switch and a few more fixed dishes.
Surely there is something you'd like from another bird. ;)

I agree 7 years is a darn good run.

What's that like $25 a year for tv.
Is there a good TWIN pll lnb that you can recommend?

Between the 150 ft rg6 cable, receiver that I am still waiting for (way to go worldofsatellites.com.. NOT), the twin LNB, additional RG6 cables, and sat meter, I have spent close to $170 with no results.

I guess the last piece (nanosat pansat receiver) can be the one the way this thing is going...
Please reply by conversation.

Strange motor issue???

What bird am I aimed to??

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