Phantom 522 Recordings

Emma Peel

Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Feb 10, 2005
Having an odd problem with the 522. It seems that ever since the NBR
was implemented I am getting these phantom recordings when ever one of
my timers is recording. I am not sure if this is NBR timer specific or
applies to all timers.

Basically if I look at the recorded programs list while something is
recording I will see the currently recording show at the top and then
immediatly below it I have several other items that say they are
currently recording but they dont have a name and the time reads 0:00.
They usually go away once the recording of my program (the valid one)
is done, but once I found two of the phantoms at the bottom of my
recorded list.

At first I was only getting one or two at a time but now several weeks
after first noticing this I am getting six or seven every time
something records.

This is not really a bad problem because they usually go away but I am
just annoyed.

Any one else getting this problem or maybe know of a solution?
welcome to satelliteguys. you will enjoy yourself here.

one of the mods will most likely move this to the pvr section. you will get more answers once it is moved their. i would like to help, but don't have a 522.

So I want an HD DVR, how do I get one?

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