Partial/Complete Signal Loss every 5 minutes or so...


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Original poster
Jan 2, 2012
Alexandria VA
Ok so I've been a pretty satisfied customer for the last year and a half, until now. Recently (last 10 or so days) my 722 has started pixilating and losing signal VERY often, its become extremely annoying. I have performed a reset via the red reset button and even called CS and had them run some tests. After getting no results and pixilation continuing, they offered to send a tech out for the bargain price of $99, really???? I politely declined and asked for my contract expiration date. Even though this is my first major issue I don't think I can live with having to pony up $100 every time my system has an issue I cant fix. Anyways back to the issue, the sky has been clear the last 2 days, no changes have been made to my dish/wiring and looking at the connections outside, everything is nice and tight. The only thing I have not done is completely unplug the 722 since the power plug is located behind the bookshelf it rests on. Realistically will unplugging it be any different than doing the reset either via the menu or the red reset button? Also up until yesterday my other HD box (522) was fine but now its starting to pixilate as well. Anyone have any recommendations? If I have to unplug the 722 I will but its a pain in the butt to take the bookcase contents down. Thanks in advance. :confused:
Ok so I've been a pretty satisfied customer for the last year and a half, until now. Recently (last 10 or so days) my 722 has started pixilating and losing signal VERY often, its become extremely annoying. I have performed a reset via the red reset button and even called CS and had them run some tests. After getting no results and pixilation continuing, they offered to send a tech out for the bargain price of $99, really???? I politely declined and asked for my contract expiration date. Even though this is my first major issue I don't think I can live with having to pony up $100 every time my system has an issue I cant fix. Anyways back to the issue, the sky has been clear the last 2 days, no changes have been made to my dish/wiring and looking at the connections outside, everything is nice and tight. The only thing I have not done is completely unplug the 722 since the power plug is located behind the bookshelf it rests on. Realistically will unplugging it be any different than doing the reset either via the menu or the red reset button? Also up until yesterday my other HD box (522) was fine but now its starting to pixilate as well. Anyone have any recommendations? If I have to unplug the 722 I will but its a pain in the butt to take the bookcase contents down. Thanks in advance. :confused:
First the 522 isn't a HD box the 622 is. Two receivers showing the same problem suggests the problem is some place else in your system. In VA I assume you have a 1000.4 Eastern Arc dish, the first place to look is those 1 1/2 year old fittings. Check your signal strengths see if the dish may have moved slightly. Last is change out the LNB.

Also the protection plan is $6/mo. and reduces the service call to $15, CSR should have suggested it and explained the benefits and requrements instead of scareing you with $99.
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Thanks for the response. The second box is actually a 211 (sorry about that). I moved my kids to our room with the 211 and the difference is significant, no issues all morning vice every 2-10 minutes on the 722. Could it still be the LNB?
Yes, Alexandria VA is EA.

Are you saying that you swapped the locations of your 211 and 722 and the problem remained on the 722? If so, it seems to me likely that the 722 is failing.
I didn't switch the box just let the kids watch their shows on our tv with the 211. The signal has been fine in our bedroom vs. the family room with the 722.
Nevertheless, switching boxes is a great diagnostic tool to see whether it's your receiver, or your dish antenna or switch or cabling. I thought you said (above) that both receivers were doing this. If both are doing this, then it's most likely not either receiver but the dish antenna itself (or integrated switch).

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