Paramount now HD DVD exclusive!

BIG BIG News! Paramount is now HD DVD exclusive starting with Blades of Glory!

ABC News: Bye Bye, Blu-Ray: HD DVD Scores with Paramount, DreamWorks

Bit titles like Transformers and Shrek The Third are now only HD DVD!


This is one day I might actually read The Digital Bits - if Bill Blu Hunt can calm himself down enough to actually write a column. :D

While I prefer all studios would be neutral and let consumers decide, I'm really happy HD DVD decided to fight back at Sony's dirty tricks.

Im sure ole BluRay loser Bill Hunt will focus on how HDDVD bought Paramount and totally ignore that SOny did the same thing with its supporters.
Whoaa! This is big news for HD-DVD. IMHO this is one step closer to both formats coexisting...unfortunately.
Well breaths new life into my old HD-DVD A1 player... Where is the universal player now? I guess I will have to live with 2 HDMI ports taken up for now...
Wow awesome for HD DVD, Looks like this format war is gonna be around a long time. I'm glad to support both formats so I can get all the titles but I still prefer HD DVD.
He does get pretty whipped up but I do agree with him on most points, don't you?
Two statements he makes:

"'s the official press release from Paramount. And I'd like to call your attention to the final sentence in this press release, because I think it tells you EVERYTHING you need to know about this announcement... Today's announcement does not include films directed by Steven Spielberg as his films are not exclusive to either format."

So, Spielberg is all that matters in Hollywood now? Childish.

And this:
"I'm betting Fox and MGM start making Blu-ray Disc exclusive announcements and soon. You just watch." I think he forgot Fox IS BD exclusive... Then what does this mean?

And this:
"I'm betting Fox and MGM start making Blu-ray Disc exclusive announcements and soon. You just watch." I think he forgot Fox IS BD exclusive... Then what does this mean?


What he's saying is that Fox will start announcing exclusive BD titles soon.
What he's saying is that Fox will start announcing exclusive BD titles soon.
That would be news!
Last release in March and cancellation of everything later...
Rumored to wait for BD+... Paidgeek (Sony insider) says they'll be back soon...

If they start announcing - just like Disney - what they are going to release in 7 months, they will have enough time to backtrack again.

And wouldn't a Fox announcement at this very moment look as desparation on BDA's behalf and mean hardly anything?

Bill Hunt's pro-consumer clothing is gone for good. He's just a paid (better than most, I'd guess) shill (like most, I'd guess).

You wish... :)
Have you read it yet?


Yes - and he'd better have some damn good lawyers; I hope Microsoft sues his pants off.

He does get pretty whipped up but I do agree with him on most points, don't you?

No. I've given him the benefit of the doubt in the past that his pro-Blu slant is just because he really believes his position that HD disc can only only survive with one format. But in today's article he's purposely putting out FUD -

Today's announcement does not include films directed by Steven Spielberg as his films are not exclusive to either format.

How do you like THEM apples? Not exclusive to either format? Spielberg's decided his first film on high-def disc is coming out on Blu-ray Disc only.

Complete Bullsh!t! "films directed by Steven Spielberg as his films are not exclusive to either format" is because when he only Directs a film, it belongs to the studio, and the studio decides when and on what format to release it. Spielberg didn't decide to release "Close Encounters" on Blu-ray - Sony did, because they own 100% of the rights!

However, when Spielberg is a Producer of a movie, he does retain some ownership and does have say over when & how the film is released. Like "Transformers", for which he is an Executive Producer - and it's going straight to HD DVD!

And Bill Hunt knows this better than I do. He's nothing more than a $#@! liar, and I question his motives. Maybe some "suitcases full of money" have been going his way - just not from Microsoft. Which is probably why he's so mad. :p
I don't know enough about the Speilberg situation to comment on that. What do you think about the rest of the article? Do you believe that Microsoft's ultimate goal is to prevent a HDM winner in hopes that HD downloads will prevail? I do.

I know that a lot of HD-DVD backers think that both formats can and will coexist and they'll both live happily every after. Let's assume for the sake of argument that this doesn't happen. Let's assume that both formats exist for a while, continue to confuse consumers and ultimately die off. Who is to blame if this happens? Sony and Toshiba for sure, I don't think anyone would argue that. Who else? The studios? The manufacturers? Universal? Stubborn HD-DVD supporters?

What happens then? Are we ready for downloads only?

I would like HDM to survive for the time being because it think it gives us the best PQ and AQ. I don't think we're logistically ready for download only and I don't believe we'll get the best PQ and AQ that way. I don't have a crystal all so I don't know what will happen, nobody does. But IMHO a vote for HD-DVD is a vote against long term survival of HDM.
I don't know enough about the Speilberg situation to comment on that. What do you think about the rest of the article? Do you believe that Microsoft's ultimate goal is to prevent a HDM winner in hopes that HD downloads will prevail? I do.

No, I don't. Do you think they believe they will be the only choice IF download were to prevail? Netflix, Blockbuster or some other player will be the market leader when and if download prevails. But downloads are years & years away from prevailing, if ever - we don't have the infrastructure in place. Can you imagine the sreaming & yelling form the ISP's if even half their customers started downloading 20-30GB per day? No, I think Microsoft wants BD, HD DVD, DVD and download to all coexist - because will make some money off each one of them. The main thing they don't want is for BD to prevail alone. Too much animosity toward Sony for that one, among other reasons.

I know that a lot of HD-DVD backers think that both formats can and will coexist and they'll both live happily every after. Let's assume for the sake of argument that this doesn't happen. Let's assume that both formats exist for a while, continue to confuse consumers and ultimately die off. Who is to blame if this happens? Sony and Toshiba for sure, I don't think anyone would argue that. Who else? The studios? The manufacturers? Universal? Stubborn HD-DVD supporters?

I just don't buy the line of thought that HDM will die off if we don't have a single HD format. VHS & DVD coexisted for many years, I never saw anyone try to stick a VHS tape in his DVD player, & vice versa. We've had 3 major gaming platforms for many years, I've never heard anyone complain that the the Xbox labeled game they bought wouldn't play in their Playstation. The average consumer isn't as dumb as people think. And I think Universal players will make whether a disc is in HD DVD or Blu-ray format as irrelevant as if the DVD recordable disk he bought is -R or +R.

I would like HDM to survive for the time being because it think it gives us the best PQ and AQ. I don't think we're logistically ready for download only and I don't believe we'll get the best PQ and AQ that way. I don't have a crystal all so I don't know what will happen, nobody does. But IMHO a vote for HD-DVD is a vote against long term survival of HDM.

I respectfully disagree. I also want HDM to survive. I own both BD and HD DVD media and players, and enjoy them both. They're both a big improvement over DVD, and even HD satellite or cable. I don't think enough is known yet about Blu-ray to crown it the one & only. A big aspect of BD is BD+, and it's not even out yet - what is it? what does it do? BD1.1 is supposed to be required of all new player models Nov. 1 - and not a single player meeting the spec is announced or planned - why? They're are only two facilities in the entire U.S. that can produce BD 50GB - independent Cinram, who went neutral at the urging of it's largest customer - Warner, and Sony - which has the largest capacity by far. Why?

For folks who want a HD player & HDM but waiting for a "clear winner" - I advise you to stop waiting and buy a Blu-ray. It's not going to lose. I just hope and don't think it will be the only winner. But if you really enjoy HD and movies, buy both. I'm very happy I did. And it's not all that confusing - the Red case discs go in the big, bulky black DVD style player, and the Blu case discs go into the sleek, shiny little game console looking thingy. ;)
No, I don't. Do you think they believe they will be the only choice IF download were to prevail? Netflix, Blockbuster or some other player will be the market leader when and if download prevails. I think Microsoft wants BD, HD DVD, DVD and download to all coexist - because will make some money off each one of them.

The flaw with this wish, IMHO, is that they cannot all coexist in the long term. The average consumer (not tech head, early adopter or videophile) does not want to watch movies on 4 different platforms.

VHS & DVD coexisted for many years, I never saw anyone try to stick a VHS tape in his DVD player, & vice versa.

Totally different situation. Apples and Oranges. VHS and DVD was a matter of when (not if) the consumer would adopt dvd. Right now the consumer has a choice between two emerging technologies (or the choice to embrace neither one).

We've had 3 major gaming platforms for many years, I've never heard anyone complain that the the Xbox labeled game they bought wouldn't play in their Playstation.

The average consumer doesn't own multiple gaming platforms.

I respectfully disagree. I also want HDM to survive. I own both BD and HD DVD media and players, and enjoy them both. They're both a big improvement over DVD, and even HD satellite or cable.

I too own and enjoy both formats. I started with HD-DVD and then got Blu-Ray. I agree that both are a big improvement over dvd. Unfortunately I still maintain that I am not your average consumer. We'll have to agree to disagree about the long term coexistance of both formats. Ultimately none of us have a crystal ball so we'll have to wait and see!!
Announced last month:
The DVD-3800BDCI is a Profile 1.1 Blu-ray player, capable of decoding all approved audio codecs (including Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio) as well as play Profile 1.1 content (including Picture-in-Picture).

Only $2,000. :rolleyes:
Yes - and he'd better have some damn good lawyers; I hope Microsoft sues his pants off.

Simmer down. As was posted before, one source talking about the money was Deadlinehollywood daily. M$ has no basis to sue, although anybody can sue for anything in this country. And Hunt did not originate the story.

And Bill Hunt knows this better than I do. He's nothing more than a $#@! liar, and I question his motives. Maybe some "suitcases full of money" have been going his way - just not from Microsoft. Which is probably why he's so mad. :p

You have no basis for the "suitcases full of money" but there is plenty of basis for the money paid by M$.

And Bill Hunt is right about one thing- they don't need to delay things until downloading movies online is practical and widespread. They can kill off the medium just like SACD & DVD-A were killed off. Just keep the confusion going long enough.

And then we all lose.
Announced last month:
The DVD-3800BDCI is a Profile 1.1 Blu-ray player, capable of decoding all approved audio codecs (including Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio) as well as play Profile 1.1 content (including Picture-in-Picture).

Only $2,000. :rolleyes:
That is BD's biggest problem. Its ridiculous price.

How Long does it take to get the 5 free HD-DVD's

Now this is cool!

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