hey gang, Currently have terk hdtv roof antenna. (I forget the model) Its the boxie looking unit about 3 or 4 inches in thickness. Anyway, also using Motorola pre-amp, p/n.7775 mounted at pole right underneath the antenna itself. Here's the problem. At anytime of day, and with especially one channel in particular which has a very strong signal, (usually 88 or above), that signal will intermittently drop like a rock to nearly zero and than leap back up to full strength. the one or two stations that this happens on are about 23 miles away from my home. Well within the supposed abilities of this antenna. FYI. I have a direct line of site with the antenna's aim with no obstructions DIRECTLY in its path. However there are 2 large trees about 25 feet apart, almost like goal posts that it is aimed in between. While weather conditions I'm sure sometimes play a part in this problem, it also happens on days when there is NO wind that is blowing these 2 trees. Might they still however be the problem? Thought of trying the 4228 bay antenna, but wanted to run this question out there first before spending unnecessary money. Also, no rotor at this time. Wondered if that may help. Someone also suggested an "attenuator" but wasn't sure which one in particular might help. My location is in Shrewsbury Pa. which is immediately north of the Md. state line. The stations that give me these problems are in Md. but as I said still well within the reach or this antenna. Any help you folks have to offer would be greatly appreciated. Thanks