you say there is not much DVB-S2 on ku-band?
very minimal. Off the top of my head
-The 3 PBS muxes on 125W (Montana, Louisiana, Oklahoma)..there is 7 channels (1, 4, 2)
-UWTV & TVW on 123W
-There is a Russian channel on 99W (but I think its also in DVB on 97W)
and I know that last weekend on 72W there was a 4 or 5 channel mux that had different camera angles of the Early NFL playoff game it wouldnt really be worth buying it for ku-band only?
most S2 is on C-Band. As for "is it worth it" only you and your pocketbook can answer that. But here would be my thoughts
-have only a SD receiver and are a sports fan? yes it would be worth it. Even though it doesnt show 4:2:2 there are lots of sports in HD
-have only a SD receiver and want to see PBS stuff? yes I would think so. You can run AC-3 though the RCA outputs or HDMI cable as is
-want S2 and dont have a S2 receiver? yeah I guess....If you are a PBS fan most definitely. Those 3 S2 PBS groups have lots of local programming different than the national PBS
-dont care for sports or S2 and want a faster or better blindscan? nah there are others out there cheaper
I have a azbox so yeah I have to manually enter the info but thats fine. My C-Band is fixed at 99W and the "ghetto moved" one doesnt stay out long enough for me to lock S2 stuff for a while
for those who have C-Band then yes most definitely its worth it...unless you're like me and have a fixed dish at a sat that DOESNT have really any S2 on it