In the diseqc 1.1 switch menu I see choices I'm not familiar with. " 1 Cascade M1: Port 1" and there are choices for M2, M3 and "2 Cascades" What do these different modes do?
As far as I know, you're the only one crazy enough to USE 30+ lnbs !!!
Even Stogie ain't THAT crazy ! [edit] Of course, if I had a flat roof that my wife didn't have any say about, maybe I'd be that crazy , too . [/edit]
Has anyone actually tried any of these receivers to see if they actually work with true diseqc 1.1?
I might be interested, but I need it to work with my 30 or so lnbs
It does indeed operate 1.1 switches. I hit a 1.0 switch that fans out to two 1.1 eight port switches, which would give me a total LNB of 16. Works fine. I still would like to know what the different groups of commands do so that I might utilize them correctly and to their full capability.