I live in Rochester, MN and right now there is a blizzard. I only am getting channels 6 and 10 from town, but even other channels even from right here in my area like channel 47 aren't coming in. Haven't gotten channel 24, KYIN, from Mason City, IA lately this winter, but before that I always got it with my antenna (which is a rather good one). I enjoy watching CreateTV a lot on channels 15.3 and 24.2 but I'm betting anything the troubles are the weather and this currently being winter. Is it the blizzard, which I am thinking, why my locals aren't coming in, and could it be that it's winter why channel 24 ain't coming in? If anyone who knows the area could help or even from or around the area would be a great help. I know Iceberg is nearby, so maybe he could help.