On demand?

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Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Oct 28, 2017
I wanted to confirm that anytime you select on demand or select to rewind a show that allows restart that it is streaming from your internet connection?

If so, at what point are shows beamed from sat vs streamed?

I have Xfinity 150 and I believe the cap is 1024gb a month. I’m assuming watching ondemand will really max me out quickly.
most of what you'll watch is fed from the satellite which is basically your live video feed from satellites in space. on demand content can be watched anytime due to the fact that it is available instantly (via download from your internet). on demand is a nice option to go along with your traditional live feed from the satellite but can't really replace your live service bc not all on demand content is always available. also nice about on demand is that since it is streamed through your internet, the bad weather won't affect it at all. oh and the rewind feature also is streamed.
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