I'm getting ready to hook up my HR22-100 to the internet via ethernet cable but Ive seen/read conflicting reports on the internet about this so I'm hoping someone here can point me in the right direction before I buy something I don't need or something that isn't going to work. Here is my situation ...........
My computer & HR22 are in the same room so I can run an ethernet cable to the HR22, the problem I have is that my modem (from Time Warner for Roadrunner internet & digital phone) only has one out port for an ethernet cable. Currently the ethernet cable runs to the computer, the only other ports on the back of the modem are 1- phone line to the phone & an unused USB "B" style port.
My question is this ......... can I run a USB "B" to "A" cable from the modem to the HR22 to get this to work or do I need to buy a router & connect via an ethernet cable? In place of a router is it possible to use an ethernet switch?
My computer & HR22 are in the same room so I can run an ethernet cable to the HR22, the problem I have is that my modem (from Time Warner for Roadrunner internet & digital phone) only has one out port for an ethernet cable. Currently the ethernet cable runs to the computer, the only other ports on the back of the modem are 1- phone line to the phone & an unused USB "B" style port.
My question is this ......... can I run a USB "B" to "A" cable from the modem to the HR22 to get this to work or do I need to buy a router & connect via an ethernet cable? In place of a router is it possible to use an ethernet switch?