Old dishes...


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Feb 6, 2008
United States
I have a 61.5 dish and a dish 500...just got the ea dish friday...what can I do with the old 2 dishes...

trash them, keep them???, sell them...anything you guys know to do with old dishes???

Thanks in advance
They're not worth a lot. It's definitely more hassle than it's worth to try to sell them. I've got several dishes/lnbs/parts laying around (500, 1000+, 300). If you like tinkering around, you could always aim the single sat dish at one of E*s other birds, and hook it into the extra port on the 1000.4.
I try to keep a little bit of everything in case there will come a use for them again and sometimes there ends up being a use out of something that may not be a use for right now. You just never know. Sometimes you can just sell parts off of the dishes like the lnb's and switches. I have heard of people using the satellite dishes for wifi.
I try to keep a little bit of everything in case there will come a use for them again and sometimes there ends up being a use out of something that may not be a use for right now. You just never know. Sometimes you can just sell parts off of the dishes like the lnb's and switches. I have heard of people using the satellite dishes for wifi.

I have at least one of everything stashed around. The minute you get rid of something you will need it. The only thing that I do not have and need are two J mounts. OR at least the mounting brackets. Two of three of my brackets have gotten beat by techs doing quick fixes on them. So . . . Next Saturday I'm reinstalling it all as the advent of having to do it all myself from now on even though OSHA says DISH is FOS on my site. I won't depend on DISH fixing things on the outside anymore. I was warned that this was coming. It's here.
make bird bath or feeder.

down my block a guy used a few to make a unique looking mailbox post. looks like a person.
I set a 4x4 in the ground, and flattened the center of the dish. I drill a few holes to allow the rain not to accumulate, and I made bird feeders out of them.

The birds love them, and they are weather proof.:D
Take the polar plate off. Paint the dish. Hook a strap to the inside of the concave part...and presto! The perfect paintball shield!!!:D
A few years back the local cable company was running ads that said they were good for birdbaths or pizza pans.:p

But seriously, not much use except for scrap metal recycling.

BBC HD needs a 3rd dish??

Ahhhh help.... 622 "squish" problem

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