I agree. I would much rather do my own install. When i first go D* i did my own install worked for a good 9 yrs, no problem. I think Voom feels that by having it " professionally done" that the sucess of the product would be better served. Not to upset the majority of good installers out there, Voom needs to offer the option to thoose of use that can do it ourselves. Or, at the least, farm out installs to local satillite companies, not independent contractors. Being a former service mananger for a ford dealer, if a technician that worked for me did that kind of shotty work, or bemaoned to a customer that he wasn't getting paid right so that's all I'm gonna do for you, would have been fired on the spot.
Ultimately, however good of service VOOM is offering(I do really like their programing) to the majority of people, the installer is the last person in the chain to "touch" VOOM's customers. It is this impression that customer's view VOOM as a whole. As far as I see it, you can offer the best product in the world, but if you hire installers that feel they offering you a favor by installing VOOM, or have a negative view of the product as a whole(my first installer" I'll just install it here, so that when you cancell the service, it's easier for me to take down") VOOM has got to remember that without a total satisfactory install experience, it will hender their hopes of growing as a whole. When i was a service manager, stats bore out one conclusion,
If you pissed off customers, the worst advertising you could have is word of mouth, A upset customer will often tell friends, family, co-workers their experiences about your product or service.I know this sounds like a rant, but ther is a reason D* has won several customer satisfaction awards from J.D. Power and assoicates, it's not always about the product, but providing a good exprience overall, and handling issues in a timely and efficient manor.