November US Hardware Sales


Gaming Guru & Pub Member
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
Birmingham, AL
NPD data. Remember that these figures do not include Wal-Mart or Sams. NPD only tracks until Nov. 25th for November. PS3 was released on November 17th. The Wii was released November 19th.

PS2 664k
360 511k
Wii 476k
PS3 197k

DS 918k
GBA 641k
PSP 412k

It looks like the DS has captured the handheld momentum from the PSP.

Unless Wal-mart blew out the 360 in November, those are disappointing numbers. They were expecting 700,000 to 1 million.
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November NPD Software Sales

I have only been able to find the top 10.

Gears of War 1 million
Final Fantasy XII 896k
Zelda Twilight Princess 412k
Guitar Hero II 356k
WWE Smackdown vs Raw
Call of Duty 3
Madden '07
Need for Speed Carbon
Nintendogs Dalmation & Friends
Pokemon Ranger
I can't believe that the PS2 is still selling like it is.
The PS2 is at a good price point and has a huge library of games at reasonable prices. It's probably gonna be at least another year or so beore any of the new gen consoles supplants it from the top of the list.
if you add it walmart. that puts the ps3 right between the 200-250k everyone except sony was expecting.

looks like i might have to pick up gears of war. i have heard nothing but good things about it.
I guess that means Sony is still on top. Ironic if you think about it. M$ has delivered two products that are technologically supperior but still can't surplant a 6 year old console from the top of the list! And if you add the PS3 sales to the PS2 sales that means that Sony had 861k to M$ 511k in console sales. I don't think Sony is going to be hurting for money this XMAS.
I guess that means Sony is still on top. Ironic if you think about it. M$ has delivered two products that are technologically supperior but still can't surplant a 6 year old console from the top of the list! And if you add the PS3 sales to the PS2 sales that means that Sony had 861k to M$ 511k in console sales. I don't think Sony is going to be hurting for money this XMAS.

Did you forget how many millions they are in the red because of your beloved PS3? what was that 87 million? Just because they sold that many PS2s doesn't mean their on top.
The thing about that red ink -- it is up front and already paid for. That is always how Sony does new releases of hardware. They pay for their losses up front. So while the ink is red now it will not continue to get red. Kind of like paying for a house. You buy at 400,000 , you borrow what will end up being 740,000 or the course of the loan and you hope the value becomes more then a 1,000,000 when you eventually sell -- or at least the value goes up faster than the cost of the loan.

Sony is in the red now from all those PS3 developements along with the BluRay developements but from those PS2 sales they are making a ton of money. I bet a year from now the balance book will look totaly differant.

Web Article: Has XBox360 already won the console war?

Funny PS3 sales

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