No Youtube or Pandora with my HR34

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 15, 2008
I forced a download of the latest software by putting in that code and finally got the new HD Guide, but I still don't see Pandora and Youtube anywhere. Just wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how I can maybe go about getting this.
I forced a download of the latest software by putting in that code and finally got the new HD Guide, but I still don't see Pandora and Youtube anywhere. Just wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how I can maybe go about getting this.

same here no you tube or pandora on my hr34 and i have reset it 2 times and still nothing on my direct tv still says my directv offers programs watched frequently,plus other shows you might like.check back later and we'll have shows to share :) this has stayed same since fridays ce and 1 resetting hr 34 :)
I had to do 2 resets within 30 minutes of each other to get mine to finally show up. I think that clears the cache.

i'll have to try that 2 times within 30 minutes of each other to see if it shows up and if it dont ill wait for this fridays ce to see if shows up if they have a ce this friday 3/2/12 :) ty for help :)
I set mine to record last night for the race, but not manually (just the shows regularly scheduled). When the guide changed it cancelled the recording. I was home so it didn't matter but lesson learned. Was actually surprised they got the guide updated so fast.

Tried the reset 2 times in 30 min and it didn't work, no Pandora or Youtube.

Have a question on the resets. When the reset is done, the screen goes blank and receiver is not functioning even though it appears to still be on. To get it functioning I have to power down and then power up again. Is this normal for all D* receivers or just a quirk with this one?
While mine is a HR24, I lost pandora, you tube and the my directv what "I may want to watch" feature over the weekend tried a reset no luck.
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Be very careful with what the DIRECTV CSRs tell you

H23-600 not read 103 or 99 what happened??

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