No Timer Warning


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Nov 5, 2004
Yesterday, while looking for a recording of the nightly news, I got on one of my 522 machines to find that none of the timers were present. This shocked and concerned me greatly as I thought of the hassle of guessing what I had previously set up. All my previously recorded shows were present, just nothing really recent (I didn't look closely for the exact time of the latest recording.)

In addition, I looked in the guide and it only went 1 show out before it asked for a reload, which I allowed. Since this only took a few seconds, I thought something odd was up.

Fortunately I slowed down a bit and tried a soft reset (hold power button in for a few seconds). This restored all the timers, after a long guide reload.

If this happens to you, at least try a soft reboot before panicing. :)


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