News related to the upcomming Directv Wireless DVR Servers STB

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That's sort of.. non-news?

I wasn't aware that DirecTV had said anything specific with regards to wireless capability at all, much less protocol.
Hogarth said:
That's sort of.. non-news?

I wasn't aware that DirecTV had said anything specific with regards to wireless capability at all, much less protocol.

Here here...
Its all just speculation at this point. Besides I still dont think there is enough bandwidth in .11n to provide streaming of HD.
i was with the hsp network for 3.5 years and a install co owner the past 1.5 years and i've been hearing about this home network device the whole time. directvs mainstream sub s don't care, it is a high end product with limited appeal. i really doubt it is very high on directvs priority list at this point in time

just my opine, and don't mean to offend

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Dish Pointing

OTA working, but no NBC

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