My Bad. I needed to be clearer (darn newbies). Forget the mother in law part.
My goal.
:to shoot videos (such as weddings and such) in remote places (mainly beaches throughout the Hawaiian Islands) with the capability of have a live video stream for anyone who would want to watch my clients videos live on the net anywhere in the world.
Hmmm, I am not sure how you would be able to do this at remote locations with the Slingbox that I recommended. If you were at a place (i.e. hotel, etc...) with free wi-fi it could work if you were close enough to pick that up. Or, you could get a cell phone or even a satellite phone that is capable of a high speed internet connection you could do that anywhere.
I am not sure how much those services are for cell phone or satellite phones with internet service. But you would just hook up the phone to the slingbox via the ethernet port. And then hook up your audio/video feed either through one video recorder or through the video component(s) that have multiple feeds to it.
Your mother and other clients would still have to have high speed internet service at their homes, or place to get that feed. This is still relatively cheap ($45-70+/month) compared to the $1000-10,000+/month for the satellite options in this thread.
The only downside to this is that only one person at a time can connect to the slingbox remotely. And that person would have to have a computer with internet service to be able to watch. If more than one person needed to watch, then you would have to purchase more than one slingbox and hook it up which may be a problem as you would then need two or more cell/satellite phones with service (one per slingbox) to hook up. There is a way to watch it on a tv without a computer (which is what I am looking into for my parents to watch), but I don't know how to do that yet.
The more I type about this, the more I see it may be a problem with the issues I touched on above (internet service, cell/satellite service, number of slingbo
s) required vs. # of users needing to watch, etc...). I don't know, it may or may not work. Sorry, a good idea in my head turned into issues that I see with it