Newbie Questions

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New Member
Original poster
Jan 30, 2008
Am looking to possibly set up an FTA dish and had some questions and wanted to verify that some of my assumptions are correct. Mainly I am looking to receive some German language programming and English versions of new programs originating in other countries. Looks like there might be other things that look of interest.

1) I currently have DTV (which I'm keeping), I'm assuming there is no way to use my current box for FTA programming.

2) I'd like to get a motorized dish as it looks like the programming I want would be on multiple satellites

3) It seems to be possible to use my PC as a box, is this recommended over a DVR? I'm assuming I would need to get some kind of PCI card for my computer, any recommendations and would this be able to move the dish?

4) Any software recommendations if I go the PC route (Windows based, currently running XP Home, but could do Vista if that makes a difference.) Software would need some kind of scheduler on it, basically to emulate all the main functions of a DVR, pull down this video on this channel on this dish at this time sort of thing.

I'm pretty new to this and if I can get this setup at a fairly low cost (which is why I am wondering PC versus DVR, is there really a cost savings here), I'd probably want to jump into it.

Thanks in advance, reading this forum has been very helpful.
1) Use DirecTV equipment - not really
2) Get motorized - that's a good choice and our advertizers offer packages
3) PC as DVR - depends on who you talk to.
For a beginner? No.
Too big a learning curve, no blind scan, very frustrating.

I'd recommend you get your feet wet with a decent blind-scan-capable FTA receiver.
Some choices would include Mercury II, Pansat 3500sd, and Visionsat IV-200.

If you went with the last unit , the IV-200, and added a USB hard drive, you'd have a PVR right from the beginning.

Later, if your tastes turn to more exotic transmission modes, a computer-based receiver could be a possibility.
But, ya gotta crawl before you run. - :cool:

Well, that's my opinion.
And as such, it's one data point.
You will get many more, so evaluate all of 'em carefully. - :up
If you want to taste FTA, and see if it's for you, I would get just receiver and dish. You can buy a great system for under $200. If you like what you see - then add a motor. Then if you want add a PC card. But don't start with a PC card just to much frustration without blind scan.
It is VERY difficult to aim and tweak a dish using only a PC card, and as stated above, there is no blind scan. Great idea, IMO, would be to buy the Visionsat IV-200 first (then you have PVR capability via the USB port, just add a USB hard drive). Then, once you have everything properly set up and aimed, go for the PC card.
If you want to taste FTA, and see if it's for you, I would get just receiver and dish. You can buy a great system for under $200. If you like what you see - then add a motor. Then if you want add a PC card. But don't start with a PC card just to much frustration without blind scan.

That's kinda what I did but still have been unable to get the receiver to report any signals at all.

In addition to trying to find a bird with my .75 cm antenna I've even tried connecting to Dish & Direct TV antennas that I know are correctly pointed. Doesn't matter if I can actually see or hear any channels. Still nothing.

Is there a good FAQ here to walk me through from scratch? I've looked through them but so far I'm still pretty lost.
What brand of receiver, LNB, dish did you get? What is your zip, etc?

If you are trying to aim a dish without a motor, don't forget to set the skew of the LNB.

First check out some of the instructions from a couple sponsors:
GeoSatFinder Dish Aiming Calculator - SatelliteAV, LLC.
Installing your satellite dish and receiver - DIY INSTALLATION SUPPORT

Set aside a couple hours, take your portable tv, receiver and your favorite beverage out the the dish and don't try to rush it... Elevation marks on some dishes may be off a little, so don't forget to move left/right and up/down in small increments with a delay in between each move....
While we are waiting for BearFan to return, let's deal with Scroll's problem.

What kind of receiver do you have?
To use your .75m dish, give us a picture (optional) and some info about the LNB on it.
Knowing the receiver type and LNB type, we can help you with the receiver setup.
Then, it's just a matter of simply aiming, and watching the Quality (not signal strength) to peak on a bird of your choice.
You'll want to choose a strong transponder, and Iceberg has compiled a list for each of the birds, or use TheList for that info.

Optionally, if you want to use a small dish for experimenting...
Check out my 3rd post in this thread (or maybe the link takes you directly to it).
Has info on pointing a single 18" dish to Dish, to test-receiver NASA & Angel One
See also this thread, which is referenced in the one above for more signals you can find on an 18" dish.

edit: while I was typing, it looks like concord beat me to a lot of great points!
Good work.
The lnbf is that single beer can looking with both V & H outputs. The receiver is an Orasat v5.0, which I was told later probably wasn't the best choice.

I tried an 18" dish known pointed correctly at 119 but couldn't get anything.

Zip 33709


Check that! I removed the DISEqC switch entirely and went to Echostar 7 and HURRAY! I have 99% quality and it's doing a scan for channels now.

I feel so relieved that my receiver isn't just a lemon.
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Thanks for the advice, I believe I'll look for a Dish and receiver ... I had no idea the PC part was so much of a pain.

One final question I have an old dual LNB Direct TV dish already on my roof, would that dish work or should I get a new one?
BearFan -
- if you have the International dish, and want to re-aim it, then maybe you can squeek by for some FTA with it.
BUT, if you have any other DirecTV dish OR want to maintain your DirecTV reception, then shop for a nice 36" dish and linear LNB.

If you want to re-aim one of the smaller dishes (please tell us which one you have), you might get NASA and Angel One, as described above.
However, that'll just get you a taste, and get you some experience running your receiver.
To get serious about FTA, you'll still need something like that 36" dish and linear LNB.

Scroll -
- so, did you get some NASA, Angel One, a few barker channels (Dish advertizing), and maybe some radio channels?
edit: to get the beercan going, if it truly has H and V outputs, you might want to look into a 2x4 or 3x4 Multiswitch.
It'll combine the V and H signals, and let you feed up to four receivers.
Been discussed many times on the forum, and should be an easy search.
If you have any trouble locating more info, just ask.
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Isn't the Direct TV Int'l the same bird as Echo 7? I also tried my Direct TV antenna pointed at 101 but I guess the reply to bearfanrp explains why I got nothin' there.

Anyway long story short I am still learning about scans and about all I could get on Echo 7 was Dish 101 info and test confirmation in addition to scrambled.

Since I have a Dish 500 with integrated lnb I tried Echo 6,8 and got Angel One plus Miami locals but no NASA, barkers, or radio. I did see the Sirius sketch though.

Back to my .75 cm I DO have a multiswitch. It's a Channel Master 6102IFD with H & V and Rx1 & Rx2.

After playing with it some more I got NASA and a Hawaiian genra music channel. I didn't realize I needed to toggle a button on the remote to get the music channel.

So now I have Miami locals, NASA, Dish Info, Angel One, & a CD.

So I tried setting it up to work on my DISEq as lnb 1 but I get no signal. Is this because of my multiswitch integrated in the lnb perhaps?
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I'll probably get a new dish, I'm not sure what model this one is, it's been on the roof since we bought the house, when we got DirectTV installed for HD, they put up a new dish on the other side of the house (easier roof access is my guess). If anything, when I get a new one, I can mount it where the non-used DTV dish is ... don't think my wife would be happy with the roof looking like a satellite farm :)
scroll you have to set the Port# in your satellite setup screen (for each satellite you "install" and search)
How have you got it rigged? 3x4 switch outdoors, with cables to H and V on lnbf, then one cable into the house to diseqc switch? If so you'll also have to turn on the 22mhz tone to activate the 3x4 switch...
For simplicity's sake let's just address the 119 bird for the moment before this gets complicated by the Ku setup. (I had done a previous quick install attempt on the Ku antenna setup and ran into the same problem)

I'm not sure what you're saying. If you mean did I assign LNB 1 in the settings and connect the antenna to LNB 1 on the DISEqC, then yes I did.

I also did enable the 22 MHz in the settings.

The DISEqC is new in box.


Well one mystery solved. They put the label on the DISEqC upside down. LOL

That works now and is using LNB 1.

Now two questions here. First, considering that I will be using a Ku antenna setup (I've decided to point to Galaxy 25, which unfortunately isn't in my satellite list) is there a difference which LNB input on the DISEqC I use? Seems like I recall reading this could be important.

Second, not a big deal but I have a Star Choice, 2 position dish with quad LNBF, pointed at F1 & F2. For the heck of it I connected it to LNB 3 but couldn't get a signal or quality. "Should" this work with my FTA receiver to get unscrambled channels? OR will it just not work at all?
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I was looking at TheList and noticed that 3ABN is listed on AMC4. Does that mean I can use a Direct TV dish & lnb?

I tried to get AMC4 with a direct connection but it failed. I know the dish is pointed correctly because I have Direct TV.
I was looking at TheList and noticed that 3ABN is listed on AMC4. Does that mean I can use a Direct TV dish & lnb?

I tried to get AMC4 with a direct connection but it failed. I know the dish is pointed correctly because I have Direct TV.
No you would need a larger dish and linear LNB. But take a look at 119 Echostar 7 and I think 3ABN (Angel) is there and a small dish might work but I have not verified.
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I asked pansat about 4:2:2

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