I can't believe how bad it is. I tried two antenna's. First a Terk antenna and then the radio shack UFO antenna and all I can pull in clear is WABC 7 (green to yellow), WNJU 47 (solid green) and a stupid waste religious garbage WFME 29 (solid green) which I pull in the strongest and it is suppose to be the most distance yet locals right in Manhattan I can barely get. I can barely get WCBS 2, WNBC 4, WNYW 5 and WWOR 9. If I move the antenna I get it for a bit but then it becomes a pixilated mess and drops out. Then it can be clear for a while with a yellow signal, never green but then drops out. WNET 13 which I was looking forward too I can barely pull in one bar. It is so sensitive that if I stand near the antenna it drops out. I can pull in the analog stations better. There is no way I am installing a outside antenna. It is just I read people on forums who live in other cities that could pull in their local digital stations with a cheap antenna.
Too think I was going to be able to record with two dish tuners and a over the air tuner on my ViP612 but I would not trust recording over the air digital. Just was expecting good reception.
Too think I was going to be able to record with two dish tuners and a over the air tuner on my ViP612 but I would not trust recording over the air digital. Just was expecting good reception.