New to the H10-250 - Power up question

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betsy c

Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Dec 22, 2004

I am new to both DVR's & the H10-250 & have a basic question. There doesn't seem to be a power on/off button on the remote - is this because you always want the unit on in case you are recording in the future? What about a standby mode? Is that suggested?

If you press the blue DirecTV button at the top, there is a standby option in the menu. They say that you do not have to put it in standby if you do not want to. Scheduled recordings continue regardless if you are in standby or not.
You should also know that you are just beter to leave the unit on. The folks at TCF voted this one thumbs up. I am not sure why becuase it seems the suspend only shuts off the lights anyway, the unit is always on .... just passing the info. Mine is always on and I burned the last one up, but the failed hard disk was likely due to use more than anything.
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