New to Dish... questions


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
May 24, 2006
I'm switching to Dish from crappy comcast cable. I have a few questions, this seems like a great forum so I thought I'd ask here.

1) Will I end up with 1 or 2 "dishes" on my roof? I just plan on getting the top60, plus locals.

2) Where is the best place to buy? I notice some places online offer extra "bonus" stuff, like a free el cheapo DVD player. I don't really know who is considered reputable, or if I should buy direct from the Dish website? I would love to have a free cheapo DVD player or surround system though...

3) I just want a simple 2 room DVR setup, so I assume they will give me a 625?

4) I rent a house, but I don't know how to get into the attic... and the underneath portion of the house is really small. Is that going to be a problem for the installer? The previous tenant had D*, and that "dish" is still on the roof, and some cables are run... but I don't know the extent of that install. I had comcast come out and they didn't have to run any new cable, so I think they just used the cable that was already there. That would be fine, BUT if I get the 625, I'll need a cable going from that box in my living room to the 2nd TV in the bedroom.
1. one dish
2. (enter to win the 200 dollar gift certificate and you might get all this for more then free)
3. I would say you are going to get the 625
4. I dont know :)

welcome to satguys! home someone can help you with number 4

by the way great band (project 86, they are an amazing christian band!)
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Hmm...without actually seeing the home in question I can only speculate. Chances are more than likely that if Direct had a setup there then it's just a matter of hook and book. Differences in line-of-site and junk wiring may be the fly in that ointment
HEYYY webbydude how are ya, have ya been keeping busy?? I think I might be needing you here soon depending on what sat the cleveland locals go on, and to install a new + dish to pick up 118, can I just I.m. you about that?

Using Dish antenna to also get DirecTV 101 stat.

What happen to Bingotv

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