New setup???


New Member
Original poster
Jun 8, 2004
Ok I currently have the dish 500 with pro lnb and a pvr reveiver. I tried to add a jvc3700 reveiver but only got about half my channels. I was told I need a legacy lnb but dishnet wants$100 for it and I dont like buying from ebay. Someone told me I could use 2 directv lnbs with a multiswitch. Anyone heard of this? Thanks
wemmington said:
Ok I currently have the dish 500 with pro lnb and a pvr reveiver. I tried to add a jvc3700 reveiver but only got about half my channels. I was told I need a legacy lnb but dishnet wants$100 for it and I dont like buying from ebay. Someone told me I could use 2 directv lnbs with a multiswitch. Anyone heard of this? Thanks

You will need a DishPro adapter

Please provide more details about your current setup. Type of lnbf (dual, twin, quad)? switches and type? Model of PVR?

Thanks again 4 the replies. Would the 2 rca lnbs work if I bought some kind of multiswitch, the reason I ask is because I have 2 xtra directv lnbs laying around anyway. I would buy a dishpro adapter but I couldnt find one where I live and I hate ordering things. Thanx
wemmington said:
Thanks again 4 the replies. Would the 2 rca lnbs work if I bought some kind of multiswitch, the reason I ask is because I have 2 xtra directv lnbs laying around anyway. I would buy a dishpro adapter but I couldnt find one where I live and I hate ordering things. Thanx

I have ordered from Dishstore and they were very quick getting the order
out. Besides anything you buy from them helps support this forum site.

Is there a max cable length from the dish to the receiver?

Bell/Dish Skew

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