New HDTV Channels Need Two Dishes?

Ray S

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 7, 2003
Central NJ
Recent statements by Dish have emphasized that SuperDish will not be needed for additional channels. I believe the statement said that the dish 501 is all that will be needed. It did not say whether two would be needed. WCBS HDTV still needs the wing sattellites. Will 61.5 and 148 reception be needed for the additional HDTV channels?
Nobody knows ... Especially Charlie. :D

CBS-HD seems to be destined to remain on the side slots. Existing Dish500 HDs should remain on 110 as well. The last rumor had two more HDs coming soon to 110, with four HDs coming in all.

For the time being, your HD needs will be served by a Dish500 - plus a wing sat if you want CBS-HD. It is only rumor what will happen after the next four HD channels are added to 110. Perhaps more on the wings - but as Charlie doesn't consider any of the missing HD channels "compelling" enough to air I wouldn't hold my breath.

There is talk over in the Direct TV forums of them adding 4 more HD TV channels and that Starz HD is already up in test mode.

How can Dish possibly add 4 more HD TV channels on 119 or 110 ? Or even more?

Does Dish even even have room like DIrect TV has now and will have with the new Direct TV sat 7 going up in Feb?

I do not see how they will have room to add more than 2 more with out having to go with a 2nd dish solution.

I wist they would tell us there plans so we would know what to install.

When is the next Retailer or charlie normal chat?
Well for one thing Dish has more transponders than DIRECTV (50 vs 46) on CONUS. Dish can move things around and put more HDTV on 110 if it wants to (and is rumored to be doing so soon).
ScottChez said:
There is talk over in the Direct TV forums of them adding 4 more HD TV channels and that Starz HD is already up in test mode.

How can Dish possibly add 4 more HD TV channels on 119 or 110 ?
When is the next Retailer or charlie normal chat?
No word of StarzHD in test mode.
The next Chat is Jan 12th, IIRC - retailers the next day.

As for where to put them ... there is currently space for at least 17 SD channels on 110º. That's with current compression ratios. There is room for more at 119º as well. Move a few over to 119º and shuffle channels on 110º and you can clear the two transponders needed to put up four HDs.

This being a holiday week we may not see moves. But then again, Wednesdays are popular shifting days, and CES is just around the corner. Having a bigger HD selection would be a good thing.


Dish is offering compensation...what should I ask for?

Love my 811

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