Well even with the rate hike being about equal, the TurboHD packages only rec'd 3 new HD channels while the Classic+HD subs got 11 new HD channels. I understand rate hikes are part of it, but DISH management (mis)lead everyone to believe the large hike was needed specifically to cover the many new HD channels coming to the TurboHD packages. Now they claim they really intended to give us those channels, but the content providers will not let them. So even though they based their TurboHD rate hike on the package getting 11 new channels and they now know they can only really add 3 of them, they don't try to make the situation "right" by rolling back some of the rate hike. With DISH only being able to provide about 25% of the new channels they intended, you think they could at least roll back the price hike 50% -- instead they just seem to be ignoring the issue and shunning their new TurboHD customers. I fully realize that making a purchase decision based on future value is risky, but in this case EVERYONE (their website, their CSRS, and mostly importantly their Vice President) was saying all the new non-premium HD channel coming soon would be added to the appropriate TurboHD package.
I've learned my lesson though; the misleading statements from DISH are more than just "uneducated" CSRs -- the misleading starts at the top with this company. And I would switch packages if my didn't raise my bill a whopping 36%! Lastly, I don't think I have brought this up recently (at least not within the last month or more), but when I saw that clown's -- or should I saw liar's -- name in Scott's post I felt like responding so I did.