New HD Channels.

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Feb 16, 2006
Anyone knows what direcTV might be offering in the future besides locals in HD which I'm not interested since my OTA works just fine for them? Dish network has an impressive lineup and I hope D* will not be far behind.
I just listen to their conference call "Wachovia 16th Annual Nantucket" and D* claims they will be uplinking up to 4 RSN HD (based on your market of course) channels in up to 50 recently announced markets by the end of this year. But National HD channels will be not be until Directv 10 & 11 go up next year. But we will see a significant amount of HD up to 25 or 30 channels about the 3rd or 4th Qtr of 2007. They also mention that the VoOm channels are not as important to them like other National channels at this time!
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Smthkd said:
I just listen to their conference call "Wachovia 16th Annual Nantucket" and D* claims

.....But National HD channels will be not be until Directv 10 & 11 go up next year.

.....They also mention that the VoOm channels are not as important to them like other National channels at this time!

Interesting to hear them talk in circles. Voom isn't as important as other National Channels at this time, but we won't give you any additional National HD Channels for another 13+ Months.

Thus, in reality, Voom is just as important as all the other so called National Channels they are not adding at this time.

Unbelievable run around.
Yeah I felt the same way! Its clear they realize VoOm is wanted by the majority of their HD subs, even though some say they are not worth it, many do want it! The reality is they want Directv10 and 11 up before trying to give us VoOm or any other National HD channel for that case!
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What is the "circle" exactly? Seems they have been right up front from the get-go that their market info shows that voom is not a priority over other things and that they are sticking to that. They all continue to maintain that their HD LIL plans are of the utmost concern; RSN of those areas would seem to tow the exact same theory. Seem they know where their bread is still buttered; and it isn't the 825k - 1M subs that lean toward HD, but the remaining 14M+ that still pay the majority of the bills. Remember they are working toward an end goal, but still must run a company that satisfies the mass, not the minority; which we HD users still are. I am an avid HD user and have seen voom many, many times as well as seeing at a bud's house nearly once a week; after 3 months the allure has even worn off at their home. It should be added, but not at any expense of other things until DirecTV 10 & 11 are running.
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How about just one new channel to throw us a bone..

Why would they have to wait. Put them up in MPEG4 now. Make people upgrade if they really want the new channels.. I would even say move the HD package to MPEG4 as soon as the new DVRs are ready.
bgartz said:
How about just one new channel to throw us a bone..

Why would they have to wait. Put them up in MPEG4 now. Make people upgrade if they really want the new channels.. I would even say move the HD package to MPEG4 as soon as the new DVRs are ready.

Not until they get that new dish out. I, for one, do not want an AT-9.
charper1 said:
What is the "circle" exactly? Seems they have been right up front from the get-go that their market info shows that voom is not a priority over other things and that they are sticking to that. They all continue to maintain that their HD LIL plans are of the utmost concern; RSN of those areas would seem to tow the exact same theory. Seem they know where their bread is still buttered; and it isn't the 825k - 1M subs that lean toward HD, but the remaining 14M+ that still pay the majority of the bills. Remember they are working toward an end goal, but still must run a company that satisfies the mass, not the minority; which we HD users still are. I am an avid HD user and have seen voom many, many times as well as seeing at a bud's house nearly once a week; after 3 months the allure has even worn off at their home. It should be added, but not at any expense of other things until DirecTV 10 & 11 are running.

You sure are a supporter of DirecTV! I have never seen you agree with anyone that makes just a small negative comment about them. Can't you understand that they are not that "Great" satellite company of the past like GM was once the #1 car company in the US? Yes maybe they will rebound in the fall of 2007, and maybe they won't. They are not serving their customers wishes now, that is the problem, and #2 DISH is. You may be a DirecTV Dealer or own their stock and wish to support them. I understand that, but to set back more that a year to enjoy HD TV if you have invested in it, as you continue to state, just doesn't make sense to me and many others. DirecTV deserves to loose some of their present customers since it is plain to see they have fallen behind in HD. Let them re-earn them back next year with better programing and lower prices, but why continue to support them when they clearly are far behind in every facet of HD presently?
charper1 said:
What is the "circle" exactly? Seems they have been right up front from the get-go that their market info shows that voom is not a priority over other things and that they are sticking to that. They all continue to maintain that their HD LIL plans are of the utmost concern; RSN of those areas would seem to tow the exact same theory.
Good points. It just kills some people that there are happy D*TV customers. Are they perfect - no - but the alternatives have their own problems (and more problems).

I would, like anyone else, like to see as much HDTV as possible (choices are good). Like anything in demand, its never enough and its never soon enough. That said, HD for the sake of HD is another thing. Just because a broadcast of grass growing is in HD doesn't mean many folks will watch it.

2006 is a transition year, in that more folks will be joining the HDTV bandwagon this year than ever before - that's great for the industry, and its great to drive up demand for more content. The reality is that the content providers have not exactly been setting speed records launching more HD content. It takes alot of time, alot of planning, and alot of $$$.

Since cable and sat are both pretty much in the same boat in terms of being at the mercy of the HD content providers, progress doesn't move as fast as anyone would prefer - no matter what you like.

By the way, my AT-9 dish has now been working for 8 months perfectly, with 85-100 signal levels. Rain fade is virtually non-existant.

My guess is that the next 12-15 months will bring an accelerated pace of more content to the HDTV market as a whole. In the mean time, HBO HD, Showtime HD, NFL Ticket, 5 Local HD Channels, HDNet, HDNet Movies, TNT HD, Discovery HD, ESPN HD, and ESPN HD2 will just have to do. Somehow, I'll survive. :cool:
rickaren said:
You sure are a supporter of DirecTV! I have never seen you agree with anyone that makes just a small negative comment about them. Can't you understand that they are not that "Great" satellite company of the past like GM was once the #1 car company in the US? Yes maybe they will rebound in the fall of 2007, and maybe they won't. They are not serving their customers wishes now, that is the problem, and #2 DISH is. You may be a DirecTV Dealer or own their stock and wish to support them. I understand that, but to set back more that a year to enjoy HD TV if you have invested in it, as you continue to state, just doesn't make sense to me and many others. DirecTV deserves to loose some of their present customers since it is plain to see they have fallen behind in HD. Let them re-earn them back next year with better programing and lower prices, but why continue to support them when they clearly are far behind in every facet of HD presently?

Then you haven't read ALL my posts; or you would know otherwise; at minimum you would know I own no stock, am not a dealer or partner in any way, and have stated such numerous times.

And how do YOU know what the majority of their 15M+ subs want? You know what you and your buddies want, and you might think you know what a few hundred board posters want, but that would be about it, and still nothing near where DirecTV's business interests lie for their subs. You guys do too much thinking based on personal emotion as opposed to real facts or business knowledge.

"Set back and wait a year" as you ask; I say why jump from promo deal to promo deal, or from provider to provider for the most minimal of additions or savings in the extreme short term? And most of those minimal additions, if any, can come at the loss of other things.

"Why do I support?" - I ask why to you guys cry like babies? Its just TV and NO ONE COMPANY has it ALL, or far and away better and worth switching over.
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lovswr said:
Not until they get that new dish out. I, for one, do not want an AT-9.

I wasn't too hot on getting one, either, but it's not that much bigger. I had it installed on a pole and all has worked out just fine. It's much easier than a rooftop mount.


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No crying here! I and many more love what we have today, and can ENJOY today and not set back and wait for DirecTV to make good on their promises. Others have said they will wait because of their present and past investment in DirecTV receivers and equipment. Will surprise that is me, too! If it was not the fact that I have four (plus an old e-86 HD receiver) Tivo DVRs one being an HD and two modified SD 243 hour units, I would be long gone. Yes I hope D* gets their act together and offers me and others free equipment up-grades, but in the fall of 2007? Thats a long time. Anyone that is investing in HD now would be crazy not to go with DISH or maybe cable (not sure). Why should anyone new to HD have to wait to at least the Fall of 2007 for DirecTv to catch-up? They shouldn't and many won't if they just do a little research. DISH deserves the new HD customers and DirecTV does not. Will it work out that way? Who knows, but no crying here, just true enjoyment with DISH, the great SD & HD picture quality, a good HD (MPEG4) DVR and all these 29 HD channels plus all my Local OTA HD's. If I was going to cry it would be how and why do I have all in investment with D* and continue to be their customer and pay a monthly bill to them? No rant, just stating the facts that some wish to overlook.
charper1 said:
Nice photo; how high up is that?

Nine feet! It's only three feet in the ground, though. In CT, it should be at four feet to be below the frost line. Unfortunately, when I dug the hole, I hit ground water and couldn't get any deeper. Hopefully it will not be a problem. I think I will need to put some guy wires on it just to be safe.
The only thing Dish has that Directv does not that I care about is NFL HD. I have been with Directv since 1997 and do not plan to change anytime soon. I can wait for more HD. Directv is doing this the way they said they would. They said 2007 and I will hold them to it. If 2008 rolls around and we are in the same boat I will consider jumping. Before you say it, I do not work for Directv or own their stock. I wish my only problem was how many HD channels Directv and Dish have. I get my Sunday Ticket games in HD and I get YES in HD for most games. I'll take those over VOOM and HGTV anyday.
Sunday ticket!!!!!! Beats dish out the door for some of us. And I would not be surprised to see NFL HD by the time they start the season.
More HD would be nice from our service provider but how much would they have to lower the already low bitrates to add another channel? It is frustrating, especially for those of us that started out 6 years ago woth a DTC-100 and HBO-HD.

I've invested too much in equipment to jump ship during the summer months when we should all be outside working on diminishing our waistlines, so they can expand again this fall!

I'll complain then.
bgilga said:
I get YES in HD for most games.

Ahh....the new math.

You must wonder about other facts when people throw out statements like that.

Just for reference, MOST usually means over 50% and closer to 100%.
I had a AT-9 at the old place and one at the new house and have never had any issues with either. running over 9 months now. Com cast tried to push their digital cable on me when they saw the AT-9 while they were out servicing the cable modem for the 3rd time in 6 weeks! And E* can not come close to the deal I have with D* either. I guess I do not watch enough TV to need more channels then I get in HD from D*. The Pittsburgh locals are still a tad off from time to time in HD but its a small price to pay for the savings over setting up a OTA system here. Plus the AT-9 looks better than a 60-80 foot antenna mast with guy wires.
Please reply by conversation.

Another Directv Lie!!

HR10-250 wirh Directv supplied antenna

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