New Dish Network Privacy Policy

Scott Greczkowski

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Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Dish Network has introduced a new customer privacy policy. I suggest all Dish Network customers read it over well for important information such as how to opt out from Dish selling your information to other marketing companies.

Feel free to discuss this new privacy policy here.


  • dish_privacy.pdf
    51.8 KB · Views: 1,158
So they changed their policy to allow them to sell your info to third parties? Lame.

Dish is really looking to make every dime possible.
Korsjs, Gary, Bryan, Shadowman, Mwgiii (My post-high school honey uses that tag), dfergie,

I know that you all hate Dish, but at what grade level did you stop reading classes? Do you have a credit card and have you read the Privacy Policy for it (them). They (the credit card companies) are giving away far more than Dish, which is name and address. At least Dish requires a court order to divulge more!!!


dfergie said:
Been there done that...hopefully they have not given every junk mailer etc my info yet...
I guess my point was (and i must not be too good at making it) is that Dish is much better than most and a lot better that others with thier Privacy Policy. I think most of the responders to Scott's post responded out of hand and did not read the policy. They assumed that Dish was out to screw them but others they dealt with were not. Go read the Privacy Policy for your credit card, your mortgage, your insurance, Music Match, ect., and compare them to Dish! You will be in for rude awakening.

I apologize if I offended you,


dfergie said:
Bagman in 3rd grade I read high school Forrest Gump would say that is all I have to say about that... clear up a misconception, I don't hate Dish.

I do feel lied to about certain service promises that were made and have not been kept...yet. Figure the squeaky wheel gets the grease, so if I and others complain long enough Dish will make good on their promises. Dish does not appear to have a long term vision for their business plan, hence I sold all my stock after making about 18% profit. Let's wait and see how they handle the MPEG 4 roll-out. HDTV started with a bang, but turned into a dud.

I really like the quality of the Dish signal going into my Sony set via S-video. I really like the sound quality in using my Sony receiver optical input. I really like the addition of Sirius music channels to the line-up, so much that I'm now a subscriber with two PNP radios.

Have a Happy SuperBowl weekend :smug
Bagman said:
I guess my point was (and i must not be too good at making it) is that Dish is much better than most and a lot better that others with thier Privacy Policy. I think most of the responders to Scott's post responded out of hand and did not read the policy. They assumed that Dish was out to screw them but others they dealt with were not. Go read the Privacy Policy for your credit card, your mortgage, your insurance, Music Match, ect., and compare them to Dish! You will be in for rude awakening.

I apologize if I offended you,

NP... I skimmed it as I always do sorry, I speed read and sometimes have to go back and read again..
It's amazing how people can bitch and throw stones at Dish, when they are doing nothing different than every other consumer company out there!
As a matter of fact, yes it does make it alright! You were notified of their legal intent and given the opportunity of opt out. But, hey, let's just bitch about it!
GaryPen said:
OK then. What if they notified you that they were going to sell your daughter into slavery, unless you opted out? I guess it's alright because they sent you note first. :rolleyes:

Gary has made a good point. Once a company has a privacy policy in place they sould not be able to change it so that it requires a person to "opt out" so that the company isn't allowed to "share" data with others (usually selling the data to ANYONE willing to pay). A lot of companies are doing that and it is just plain wrong.

New 522

locals w/o dish 500?

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