Network Move?

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Diamond Jim

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Aug 18, 2004
The Boilermaker State (#19)
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I am willing to bet that the network feeds on G10 have been terminated. :( As of 7pm Indiana time I was getting a black screen and no signal. Tried the usual remedies, with no success. They are coming in loud and clear on G4, C Band.
Was just talking to Iceberg, GONE!

Was nice while it lasted! Thats FTA here today gone tomorrow, I am sure the next big find will be right around the corner!
I was just looking at Lyngsat trying to get my C/Ku Feedhorn sorted out and it looks like Equity is re-arranging everything. They split that KPBI (Fox) and KFDF (UPN) off onto another transponder.

My Blind scan finally finished...

LoL - this is the first time I've had the Pentagon channel scan in :).
I'm seeing the nets on 11.800V.
I don't see 11.720V at all :(
sidekick said:
Youre seeing the nets on G10R? What's the SR Shaun?
Just what's on 11800V, S/R 26657 (Right off Lyngsat, was just watching Baseball)
It's coming in REALLY weak though. This is the very 1st thing I've scanned in on Ku on this new setup so it could very well be something dorked on my end.

Reguardless, I can see it.

I'm getting nothing on transponder 11986.... Hopefully it is just a technical problem on their end and it will appear again. I did notice that the RTN stations seem to have a few more blips tonights, and during the ball game on FOX, I lost the signal for a second.

they're gone as of last night. Accidentally master reset my KUSat (UGH!) so I was typing in the frequencies and that one didnt come in :(
maddawg said:
Well this is pretty much the death of the FTA.....this has become too popular.

will you quit with the "oh its the death of FTA" crap

There is still PLENTY of stuff to see on we lost a couple channels

BIG WHOOP!!! Its not like they were there intended for us

There is still plenty up there to see (and no I dont speak any other language so the ethnic stuff does me no good) :)
Yep! Anyone giving up on FTA satellite can feel free to send me their receiver. Heck I will even pay shipping : )

Here today gone tomorrow!
Iceberg said:
will you quit with the "oh its the death of FTA" crap

There is still PLENTY of stuff to see on we lost a couple channels

BIG WHOOP!!! Its not like they were there intended for us

There is still plenty up there to see (and no I dont speak any other language so the ethnic stuff does me no good) :)
Whoooa I guess I hit a sour point with you. Though the board allowed freedom of i not entitled to my opinion?
I dont mind peoples opinions..we encourgae them :) there are 2 exceptions
-hack posts
-multiple posts of the same thing (you've said "the end of FTA" about 5 times now in the last couple days).

You have to remember, this is a hobby people. Stuff comes and goes all the time. If you want to make sure you have locals, subscribe to dish, cable, direct, etc. :)
Am I mad that stuff leaves? of course.
Do I let it get to me? not really..I just go on to the next thing :)
maddawg said:
Whoooa I guess I hit a sour point with you. Though the board allowed freedom of i not entitled to my opinion?

You certainly are, but you are wrong that FTA is dying.

News feeds, for one thing, will always be up there. They have been there unencrypted now since satellite transmision began. And with the coming of digital which can carry more information per TP than analog I don't see any end in sight. And FTA will continue to be a means of transmission for people like Equity and perhaps other companies. Things will come and go according to the needs of whoever is paying for the signal.

I would be willing to bet there are more FTA "channels" now than when I got up and running in July.
Man, no one mentioned the death of FTA when ImagineAsia left....

Anyway, that I got any network stations was just icing on the cake. Obviously, the more network stations there are, the better. Personally, I love the feeds and the International stuff, I could camp on Ia5 and G3c all day.

Before this, I was a big shortwave fan -- still am to an extent. Shortwave was supposed to die in the mid 60s. (AM was supposed to die in the 40s) Who did it begin to lose popularity to? Satellite. I'm picking up more radio channels than I ever did on shortwave.

Lyngsat just mentioned that September was their biggest month in terms of visits. While most of that traffic probably isn't from US/Canada, it doesn't suggest a dying hobby.

It sucks to lose channels. It especally sucks to lose unique channels (meanwhile Daystar has 6 channels?!?), but fortunately we've still got most of the networks still up there in one form or another. For all we know, others will pop up in the future. They may not last forever, but knowing that can help soften the blow.
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I won a StarBox USB FTA Receiver! Now what???

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