Netflix and Amazon announce deal with ABC, Disney for new movies and TV shows


SatelliteGuys Master
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Oct 13, 2003
Jacksonville, FL, Earth
Both have announced deals with ABC and Disney for streaming content. Details were not disclosed except that Netflix said the deal represented around 17,000 new titles added to their streaming library. Popular TV shows like Lost and Grey's Anatomy are in the mix.

Netflix is under great pressure to recover the stated 800,000 subscribers lost due to it's PR as a result of DVD price increase and the threat to split the subscription websites for DVD and streaming. They also said that while the price increase less the subscribers loss resulted in a net revenue gain of 65% for the quarter, going forward, the costs of expanding into UK. will likely produce losses for the first part of 2012. Amazon, reported 73% losses due to increased operating costs company wide, even though it is the largest online retailer. Amazon stated the Disney ABC deal represented about 13,000 new titles to their streaming service.

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