NEED Superbowl hook up help


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Jan 13, 2004
I just recently signed up for dish with an 811 and a 301. I was told that I qualify for CBS-HD. Unfortunately, the CSR neglected to tell me that I needed another dish. Thanks to your site, I found out I need a another dish. I work second shift so I haven't watched any cbs hd programming yet. Well, the superbowl is sunday and I need to know what I need to hook up the third dish?? IS this a diy kind of thing or should I just plunk down the cash? I cannot believe the CSR did not inform me!!! I called dish and they essentially told me I was on my own. That is fine but I was kind of expecting some sort of apology. (oh well) Anyways, I need some help. I appreciate any sort of advice and comments. Thanks
It's not that hard to put up the second dish. You will need the switch to combine the sat signals. (Can't remember the name of it) Or you could just run the second dish wire straight to your receiver just for the super bowl or until you can get the combining switch. I think it is a sw-64, but could be wrong.
It depends on your LNBs. If they are DishPro you'll need a DP34. If there are any locals on 61.5 as part of your locals market E* will install whatever you need for free ... BUT no guarantees for "by the end of next week". (Even eBaying or ordering a DP34 may not make it in time.)

Your best bet will to be to go to your local Dish guy. They usually have old 300's or even 500's on hand. My guy gives me the dishes, buy you'd have to work a deal for the lnbs. If you don't go the install route, just take your current dish and swivel it over to the wing satellite you need for the game.
Thanks for the responses.....I do have a dish 500 system. I am pretty sure I need the dp34. I live in the middle of nowhere pretty much. The dealer that installed mine is closed today. HE is about 50 miles away as well. I hope they can offer me some sort of deals whether it be me installing or them. No locals on any sort of satellite. So, dish will not help me there. Oh well, I am out some more for this thing. Although, 811 isn't as bad as I thought it would be should be worth when I am done. Thanks for the help
Superbowl setup - temporary solution...

a few more ideas... If you can get a wing dish installed and aligned before the game but not a switch, you can watch the superbowl without a switch. Run your feedline for the wing dish all the way to your 811 location. You can unplug the coax from your dish 500 and plug in the coax to your wing dish directly into the 811. You will then be able to receive programming on that wing dish only. That will get you the game without a switch...

Be sure your wing dish is pointing at the correct satellite for your CBS-HD. The east coast feed is on 61.5 and the west coast feed is on 148. In my case I was subscribed for the west coast feed, but I did not have a shot at 148. A phone call to dish got my CBS-HD feed moved to the 61.5.

If you can't get a wing dish in time, ask some of your friends who tailgate with remote DBS setups and borrow their mobile dish for the game... or you can temporarly swing the 500 to the wing location...

When aligning your wing dish when it's connected direct to the 811, don't forget to do a check switch on the 811 so it will detect what's it's now connected to...

Good luck...

One last thing, I'd not wait until 10 minutes before kickoff to swing the dish around, sometime a signal can be a bear to find.
Hey, thanks for all the responses. I think I can get the dish set up in time but the switch probably not. The dealer that installed my 811 had never even seen one up until that day. He said he installed 2 6000's in the past. So, I doubt they will have the dp34 just layin around the shop. Another funny story, when he first came over I asked him about the 921 and he kept insisting that there was not even such a thing. Gotta love the internet. His little stooge helper was laughing so haard when I showed him the 921 on the dish website. He kept thinking I was talking about the 522. I was so polite about it though. Just pisses me off when I tried to inform him and hewas being a prick. So far, 811 is good.....301 good......hdtv.....REALLY service/ installation......HORRIBLE. Oh well, you take the good with the bad. Thanks to everyone for the ideas and help. Very much appreciated.
Please pardon my ignorance, but what channel is cbs HD? I thought you could only get local channels in HD by installing an OTA antenna?
Gatorito said:
Please pardon my ignorance, but what channel is cbs HD? I thought you could only get local channels in HD by installing an OTA antenna?
CBS-HD is available, but you must qualify ...

Details here:
You should only need a DP21 switch
and a DP Single LNB with a round dish (dish300).

Check your Private Msg.

Hooking up 2nd receiver (501) question

Basic questions I want to ask about 921?

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