I have a suggestion
dj_flako - - - don't give up!! You have made good progress.
Because of your longitude I might suggest you use 77W as your true south.
12632 V 20000 and it is circular (this is MPEG4 so don't worry if you cannot see it - - - should be strong TP)
Once you lock this in as your True South it should be easier to find other Satellites.
Remember, after finding 77W - - - if you SonicView is like mine - - - You will be in "Dish Settings" - - "Motor" - - - you will need to hit the red button for "Store Position" that will tell the motor OK 77W is here.
Also, remember that most of the satellites in the ARC are linear only 61.5, 77, 110 and 119 are circular and not much is ITC on those birds. Thus make sure the DISEqC for each Satellite is set correctly based on the port you have it plugged into.
Let's get on 77W and go from there.