Need Advise on connecting 4 receiviers/2dual


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Original poster
Dec 12, 2005
I need some advise....If I am in the wrong forum, please direct me to the right place.
rI have 4 receives (625, 721, 501, 7200) in 4 rooms. I have two switches where the lines come into my house (SW64 and a SW44). However, the SW64 switch has gone bad and now my 501 receives no reception, and my 721 sees one satellite.

So I called Dishnetwork and asked about upgrading to DishPro (I'm not even sure what I'm talking about here) so that I didn't need all those wires going everywhere and the old switches.

They suggested that I either purchase the warrantly for 5.99 (or so) a month so that the SW64 switch would be paid for OR I could upgrade one of my receivers and get the DishPro equipment and do away with the old switches. It seems to me I should get rid of all the old stuff (legacy stuff I gather) and go with the new stuff (DishPro stuff).

My questions are:
Is DishPro a different satellite dish for my yard? Or different LNB's? What exactly ar they talking about upgrading?

Can anyone paint a picture in my mind of what cables would come into my house and where they would go? What switches would be included?

Should I upgrade my 7200 to DishPro equipment like a 625? If so, then I would have 7 tuners/channels (or whatever) coming into my house. Would that create another problem?

And if I know switch my 7200 to a 625, then I end up paying a DVR fee since I don't have the everything package.

What should I do?

How exactly IS the best way for me to hook up these receivers (or an upgraded 7200)?

ANY comments welcome. I'm confused and trying to fill in the gaps of understanding here. I NEED all my tuners/receivers to at least work!

Thanks.... Anna
i presume you have a dish 500 and ill guess dual legacy lnb?
i would add the protection plan and get the sw64 from dish, if i got the sw64 from dish i wouldnt upgrade 7200
if not i would upgrade lnb to dpp(dish pro plus) then get the dpp44(look on ebay for cheaper prices than dish or check some of the sponsers here)
then instead of you having to run 7 lines assuming you upgrade 7200 to 625 you could have 4 lines off your dpp44 coming into house using the dualtuner dpp line seperators
:welcome to satguys
im sure others will chime in to help ya out as well:)
Thank you... Yes I do have a Dish 500, but I'm not sure what type of LNB. Are there any advantages to DishPro? Better reception for example?
yes with dish pro plus dpp and the dpp 44 switch you could run all your receivers off of 1 line each, this includes switching 7200 for 625
so you would only have four lines coming into house instead of 7
reception has nothing todo with it
the reception would be based on your signal strengths for each satellite and transponder
the main advantage is a cleaner run or look with less wires going into house and shall you wan to upgrade in the future to high definition the dpp 44 switch would make that upgrade easy
so you can spend money now to upgrade to dpp 44 or youll probably have todo it in the imminent future
if you do upgrade switch setup to new dpp 44 make sure you also upgrade your 7200 to a 625

future high definition upgrade is easier for people in midwest usa as they can use dish 1000 a dish that sees satellites 110 119 129 on one dish
for the east and west in lots of areas they cant see 129 so they have to put up separate dish at 61.5 or 148 so they need 2 dishes
it all depends upon your location

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