Hi everybody
I'm happy to be here as a member of this wonderful website.First I'm sorry about my English but I will try my best so everyone can undersatnd what i'm looking for. second I'm from an other country and just one year i been in wisconsin.I just bought a free to air reciever, dish and all what i need for instal my own dish.my wife is American and she can't believe i can recieve free tv.So i'm just waiting to be warm because i really cold in here and i will star.I instaled dishes in my country for many years,I never thought it so expensive in US and people here can pay all this money for watch commercials.Anyway this is not my probleme.I want just ask if someone know where i can buy Nagravision 3 card i try to searsh online but i can't find nothing people have this card in my country.I want watch some Arab channels and some soccer channels so please if someone can help.
I'm happy to be here as a member of this wonderful website.First I'm sorry about my English but I will try my best so everyone can undersatnd what i'm looking for. second I'm from an other country and just one year i been in wisconsin.I just bought a free to air reciever, dish and all what i need for instal my own dish.my wife is American and she can't believe i can recieve free tv.So i'm just waiting to be warm because i really cold in here and i will star.I instaled dishes in my country for many years,I never thought it so expensive in US and people here can pay all this money for watch commercials.Anyway this is not my probleme.I want just ask if someone know where i can buy Nagravision 3 card i try to searsh online but i can't find nothing people have this card in my country.I want watch some Arab channels and some soccer channels so please if someone can help.