My New 811 - Good and Bad!


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
May 12, 2004
Beaverton, Oregon
Well the day finally arrived for my BIG install and return to DISH after a 1 year "affair" with Comcast [ had been with Dish 7 yrs before that]. Part of the good - the Install man was prompt and conscientious, did a nice job on everything. The Voom and other HD Channels look real GOOD. BUT the SD PQ is worst than Comcast and not as good as it was with my old 508. Really disappointing about that. I have read here that some use their S-Video connection to get better SD - - - is that what that little button on upper left of remote that is marked "hd/sd" is about? IF I connect up an S-Video connector can I go between HD and SD just by hitting that button??????

I wish they would have given you 3 options using those + and - keys to choose Picture Format choices - the third being - OFF! By their STB forcing contol of those features it locks out me using the same and MUCH BETTER features in my Toshiba HD set. Is there some way you can turn theirs OFF? Not used to having heads cut off etc. The Comcast STB allows you to make those choices through you TV set - wish DISH had.

Last but not least - Read so many GOOD reviews here and many places about the Zenith Silver Sensor HD Antenna, had one delivered yesterday, glad I got it for only $20. Had high hopes of getting all my local HD. It does not pick up one lousy channel - I live 4.4 miles from the antennas. I was afraid of this - because I live in an old Mobile home - Metal. The installer said he found most of his customers had best luck with an antenna that was kind of square and looked like a grill. May try something else before football season gets here.

Don't burn me at the stake here because I was always a Cable hater - BUT - to tell you the truth - this is taking a backward step from what I had in PQ and equipment with Comcast - I had their nice HD DVR. BUT I will enjoy paying less than I would have had to pay Comcast and there is NO going back now - I'm with Dish for at least the next 2 years and probably, at my age, for life.

Can someone PLEASE advise on how to get an S-Video operating in this system?

TKS Michael
That is true, S-video output from 811 provides better SD PQ.
Connect s-video cable from 811 to the TV s-video input.
Then just switch inputs on TV remote when switching between SD and HD channels. Try it. The only thing I can add here is that SD PQ from 942 is way better then 811. 942 is the best receiver ever from Dish. :D
The little "hd/sd" button on the remote doesn't do squat! You need to select your desired input from your TV.

If you use the s-video input, it is likely that you will be able to use your TV's aspect ratio control again. Many TVs don't allow aspect ratio adjustment with a DVI/HDMI connection and some with even a component HD connection.

As for your antenna, is it amplified (i.e., does it require power to function)? If so, you are probably right about your metal home blocking all the signal. You will need to get an antenna outside. At your range from the broadcast towers, almost anything should work; however, I can't give you a recommendation w/o knowing your Zip (so I can check antennaweb for your DTV reception potential).

Did you have the latest model Motorola DVR when you were with Comcast? Why did you leave them? Cost alone? I ask because I'm considering leaving Dish for Comcast HD. The only thing holding me back is that Comcast still has numerous SD channels delivered via analog signal (poor quality) and they don't have HDNet. Alledgelly they are working to fix the former. Price-wise, considering a rented DVR versus Dish's cost, they seem very close.

Getting good SD PQ from an 811 is a combination of factors. The Dish SD PQ is not the same on all channels. Premium channels are usually very good, locals usually suck. What kind of TV are you using, CRT, RP/CRT, RP/LDC, RP/DLP, LCD, plasma and what size is it? Some fixed-pixel sets, particularly the very large ones, just can't make the limited input from SD look good. Though those sets often have the best HD PQ. Other factors are cabling (quad-shielded RG-6 is best) and "clean" power. Both require a monetary investment, with the latter being a bit pricey.
THANKS! I will connect up my S-Video cable today and hopefully that will take care of that issue because before when I was a Dish customer for years I was always happy sith the PQ and it was through S-Video. {WEIRD - that sd\hd button is non-functional]
The Silver Sensor Antenna is not amped - and my ZIP is 97008 - I used that site to see what was in the yellow but did not see where it specifically pointed you toward one kind of antenna or another. I was afraid of not having good results inside a metal mobile home. What can I say I am "trailer trash".
When with Comcast I started with their 1st HD STB, the 6208, was happy but it did develop a few little problems, when they brought out the 6412, which is a HD DVR I upgraded to it - for $10 a month [HD and STB]. I LOVED it and will really miss the LUXURY of that High Tech toy. Like DISH their SD PQ varies in quality too - depending on the "importance" of the channel BUT I believe their SD PQ had improved recently - I mean, I definitely noticed my locals from them here were looking GREAT. YES - the reason I returned to DISH were strictly because of financial reasons - Senior on low fixed income OR I would have stayed with them. Will save $15-20 a month with Dish.
My TV is a Toshiba 46" RP/CRT.

Have a GOOD DAy and TKS,
Remember, on the 811, you have to SCAN FOR LOCAL DIGITALS before they will show up. It's not just a matter of hooking up the antenna. At four miles from the towers, they should come in strong with a paper clip antenna.
I have a Toshiba 46H83 and 921 DVI, 811 component, and 501 s-video and get great pictures on both HDs and really good SD on most with the best being HBO. The locals are OK but not as good as over the air HD and similar to OTA analog. I'm 49 miles LOS as the crow flies (chokes) with multi-element antenna and a 10-dB, 4-way amp to send to receivers plus DVD+R, DVD player, unused VCRs, etc. Indoor amplified did not cut it.

Are you sure you are not applying the antenna to the remote input? It's been done before.
TKS for your ideas BUT yes, I have scanned till I am "blue in the face", as they say, and still NO Local OTA and I just checked to see if the installer screwed the OTA Antenna to the wrong connector - he didn't.
It has to be living in this Metal home - was afraid of that, hoped to get LUCKY. Now researching Outside HD Antennas - most inexpensive that is.

TKS Michael :confused:
Have you got a window that faces toward the broadcast towers 4 miles away? you may need an F-81 (splice) and some coaxial cable to get it to the window but that should eliminate the metal walls.
OH HAPPY DAY! Thank YOU, Lord!
Had to get back and quell the "bad press" I have started. I have quit my outdoor HD antenna search - - - - it was all an "operator" error you could say. This is what happened - the cable on the new Sensor antenna was probably 6' long and even before the install man got here I could tell it was shorter than I had hoped for my setup [I put the STB under the set]. I was dangeling the antenna cable for him to see from below so he could grab it and he said he did - he had it - much to my surprise there seemed to be length to spare. He grabbed a cable alright - but not the one from the Silver Sensor - - - NO wonder I could not get signal one - the darn thing was not even hooked up.
I just found out because I took my drill outside and drilled a hole in the was so I could feed the antenna end of the antenna cable outside - as I was feeding it out - - - it almost ALL went out there.

Now- WALA, I too can sing the praises of the little Siver Sensor antenna - I ran it through the scan again with the GREAT results I had hoped for - I am now a happy camper. It picked up around 12 Digitals - but 4 were lousy, deleted, but the other 8 are all the ones I wanted. Looking forward to seeing my SeaHawks once again in HD as they attempt tp get further in the playoffs and MAYBE - ALL the way, Baby!

TKS for all your attempts to help me out here - BTW - in answer to above - I do have it pointed out toward a window.

Congratulations on getting your OTA DTV signals. When you said that 4 channels were lousy, what did you mean? With digital broadcasts, you either lock them or you don't. Did these lock, but have periodic dropouts? If so, you may have multi-path problems. With an indoor antenna, try changing its location, but keep it pointed generally toward the towers.

Sorry you have to flip-flop between DVI or component connection for HD and your s-video connection for Dish SD. The tough decision will be on which connection to view your OTA SD digital broadcasts. They are so sharp and some upscaled, that only DVI or component will do them justice. But, then you can't use your TVs aspect ratio control.

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