My dish must have melted


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Jun 19, 2005
My dish must have melted in the noon day sun

We've had Dish for about a year now without any major problems. We live in a moblie home with a metal roof, when the dish was installed the installers bolted the dish to a large cement base, well as soon as the wind started blowing that dish fell right off the roof, so it's lived happily on the ground for about 10 months. Last week we suddenly started getting errors where a screen would pop up and the transponder would count up or down trying to find a stronger signal. We went through all the trouble shooting steps the 1-800 guys could provide and scheduled a visit from a tech. The guy came out a few days ago and relocated the dish on top of a shed next to the house. It's got a wooden roof and is bolted down securely. My wife said the dish was working fine when the guy left, he even stayed for like 15 minutes after moving the dish watching TV to make sure it was going to work out.

By the time I got home friday the dish was acting just the same as it had before the tech came out. I called the number on the reciept the guy left but it must have been just after closing time and they haven't returned my call so I'm guessing they don't work weekends. The next morning it was working fine, by the evening it wasn't working. This morning it wasn't working and hasn't worked all day. The signal strength seems pretty good on all sattelites and transponders (90-100) it just won't show any programming on any channel.

Is there anything I can do? Does this sound like a common problem, is this type of problem related to a specific piece of hardware 99% of the time, should I ensure the tech replaces or repairs that hardware? How can I make sure that the Dish will still work by the time I get home next time? It seems very strange to me that the signal could be affected by the time of day, but then again I'm not really sure how any of this dish stuff works anyway.

Any ideas from the experts?
The Lnbf on the dish could be going bad if it keeps going out at a specific time of day, like when it gets hot with sun beaming down on it. How many recievers do you have? Could be an issue with it.
Check the Lot Number code. Dish has a lot of problems with DishPro twins with Lot No. CSS9601. They are still replacing them under warranty.
I've only got one receiver, I don't have any spares lying around so I can't check another receiver.

Where do I find the lot number?

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