multiswich questions.

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 22, 2005
My dial up connection is getting so slow that I get about half crazy looking for information anymore. I've been searching for information on 3x4 multi switches, and I'm coming up with more questions than answers. I'm interested in experimenting with an old Primestar LNB, and was looking for the appropriate switch. Could anyone answer any of these questions, or provide any other information that might be relevant? I'd appreciate it.

1.) Would anything listed for sale as a 3X4 multi-switch work for switching a Primestar LNB? Is there anything that I should avoid?

2.) Why do most (all?) multi-switches have at least 4 or more outputs? Is there something a little less complex (one output) that would work better?

3.) Will Direct TV multiswitches work with FTA?

4.) Will the combiniation of a Diseqc switch and multi-switch cause a lot of signal loss?

Looking for your opinion:
Is it worth it to buy a multi-switch to in order to use Primestar double LNB?

Thanks for any reply!
123tim said:
1.) Would anything listed for sale as a 3X4 multi-switch work for switching a Primestar LNB? Is there anything that I should avoid?
yes it will work fine. All the 3 x4 multisiwtch does is take the V & H and combines them. If you have 4 receivers, when each receiver selects a polarity, it shoots up that line to the LNB :) All 3x4's will work for the Primestar dish (and any FTA dual LNB for that matter)

2.) Why do most (all?) multi-switches have at least 4 or more outputs? Is there something a little less complex (one output) that would work better?
Because the original reasoning for the multiswitch was to get more than 2 DirecTv receivers off one dual. The only multiswitch I've seen with less than 4 is a Phase II 4x2 (this is when the multiswitch was outside the LNB's for the Phase II)

3.) Will Direct TV multiswitches work with FTA?
yep. All DirecTV multiswitches will work with FTA. They use the same switching setups (same with the non stacked StarChoice stuff too)

4.) Will the combiniation of a Diseqc switch and multi-switch cause a lot of signal loss?
none that I have seen. I run 3 receivers off a G10 dish and one of them has a Diseqc in it. Same signal quality as with no switch

Is it worth it to buy a multi-switch to in order to use Primestar double LNB?
well worth it in my mind :)
If you only need one connection (that is to one receiver), then you just need one, two port diseqc switch. (or even a tone switch) Is your LNBF the one with one output for vertical and the other for horizontal? If so, then one port of the switch would be for vertical, say port 1, then port 2 will be for horizontal.
Thanks! The trouble is that I have so many trees that I'm trying to scrounge up any dish that I think might have a remote chance of working as a FTA dish. If I'm lucky, I'll find enough dishes (and some cheap source of LNB's) to use up all of my diseqc addresses. (Is this the correct term?) I'd hate to use up my resources switching polarities on my LNB.
Thank you for the excellent advice though. If it wasn't for those trees.... :)
I hope that I'm not asking a lot of stupid questions....
I was thinking of just using the vertical polarity on my Primestar lnb until I get things going with a multi switch. The problem is that I'm sort of absent minded, and I know that sooner or later I won't be paying attention and I'll do a blind scan using both polarities on this lnb. Will the opposite (horizontal) voltage do any damage to the lnb? I'm not certain which voltage is which...18 for vertical and 13 for horizontal?
123tim said:
I hope that I'm not asking a lot of stupid questions....
There are no stupid questions (OK...maybe asking how to steal Dish but that's it) :)
We were all newbies once (even me) :D

I was thinking of just using the vertical polarity on my Primestar lnb until I get things going with a multi switch. The problem is that I'm sort of absent minded, and I know that sooner or later I won't be paying attention and I'll do a blind scan using both polarities on this lnb. Will the opposite (horizontal) voltage do any damage to the lnb? I'm not certain which voltage is which...18 for vertical and 13 for horizontal?

13 is vertical
18 is horizontal

As for doing that, I honestly don't know. I don't think you can do damage by accidentally doing that once. I know when I use to slave receivers, I've done that before (tried to scan H when the other receiver was on V) and I dont think I did damage :)
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Nubee can't get it to go !

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